„Dubliners” By James Joyce: Analysis Of Personality Of Haines In Novelette „Ivy Day In The Committee Room“

„Dubliners” by james joyce: analysis of personality of haines in novelette „Ivy day in the committee room“.
There are numerous of critical analysis examining peculiarities of personages of the novelette “Ivy Day in the Committee Room”, however Sir Hynes’ personality remains hardly examined. A slim young man, deeply believing nationalist represents typical pro-Irish Dubliner’s characteristic – poor, hard-working in order to collect as many citizen’s votes as possible for members that pays tribute to r.i.p. Parnell and his followers in the upcoming election tour. Symbolic “smoldering fire” mentioned in the novelette (on the meeting day) represents the passionate land defensing of Parnell and death for his land whilst chasing nationalistic virtues. Novelette ends up with fiery Hynes speech devoted to Parnell. Hynes speaks out and during the speech he lights up the candle from the fire and this symbolizes his deep belief in Parnell’s spirit that is still alive even though the daily life of middle class Dubliners remains dull. The speech reveals spiritual and creative side of Hynes personality. He is not only a great speaker, but also perfect at agitating and igniting the masses of individuals to follow him as a leader.
- Literature Essays
- Microsoft Word 14 KB
- 2016 m.
- English
- 3 pages (1208 words)
- College
- Penelope