Discuss The Directional Changes In Indian Planning From 4th To 6th Plan

Discuss the directional changes in Indian planning from 4th to 6th plan.
The 4th Five Year Plan was implemented in 1969 with great care and caution. The main objectives of this plan were the progressive achievement of self-reliance, growth of agriculture and industry with stability, promotion of social justice and equality. The other objectives included the achievement of a socialistic pattern, reduction in income disparity, correction of regional imbalance, increase in unemployment and in the role of public sector in growth and development. The 4th Plan gave importance to people’s standard of living as it laid emphasis on growth, stability and justice. It gave importance to education, rural health, infrastructural development (mainly rural), improvement of slums and electrification of rural areas. The plan took care of the masses to achieve a holistic improvement. The 4th Plan’s objectives were a result of the realisation among the planners that GDP growth rate and capital accumulation alone might not be able to improve the standard of living of the people. Thus, the extra attention towards the poor and the needy was given. Elementary education was given importance because of its ability to increase employability. A rough structure of the Minimum Needs Programme was made to provide benefits to the needy with money allocation for the same. Impetus was given to family planning programmes to control the huge population. However, due to several reasons the plan wasn’t a success.
- Economy & Finance Papers
- Microsoft Word 14 KB
- 2021 m.
- English
- 2 pages (763 words)
- College
- Soumili