Disapproval Letter Example

Disapproval letter example.
Firstly, it will be a good and big exhibition park. Artits from around a world will come to our town because we have a big exhibition area. Families will come to this area to spend their time in the beautiful park. You can also make there a pickic area for families who love to eat outside.
Secondly, as the town badly needs a swimming pool. The cinema is big enough to make it in several swimming pools. I think that this suggestion is a great idea because all people like‘s swmming pool. Expecially kids like to swim and the swimming pool would be a pretty good idea for parties and even for weekends. The town badly needs a swimming pool because people who want to spend their time swimming has to drive in the other town to go in the swimming pool. As a result, the people will be happy and from the money you take from tickets in the swimming pool, you can build a car park.