Digestive System

Digestive. system. Of. Contents. Glossary What is digestive. Glossary. Hollow organs. What is digestive system? It is the. Why is digestion important? Digestion is important for breaking down food into nutrients. Organs of the digestive system and. their functions. Mouth. The mouth is the first part of the GI tract and is equipped with salivary glands. Esophagus. The movement of. Stomach. The stomach muscles mix the food and liquid with digestive juices. Pancreas. Pancreas makes digestive juice that has enzymes that break down carbohydrates. Liver. Functions in digestive. Gallbladder. Gallbladder stores a. Small intestine. Here, enzymes from pancreatic fluid and bile from the liver complete the digestive process. Large intestine. Functions of the. How is the digestive process controlled? Cells lining your. Diseases of the digestive system. Acid reflux (ger & gerd). Gastroesophageal reflux (GER) happens when your stomach contents come back up into your esophagus. Celiac disease. Celiac disease is a digestive disorder that damages the small intestine. Lactose intolerance. Lactose intolerance is an inability to digest lactose. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Irritable bowel syndrome. Gallstones. Gallstones develop in the gallbladder and are made of chlolesterol and bilirubin. Interesting facts about digestive system. The average person. Conclusion. Digestive system is. ČIUKŠIENĖ, Jūratė. English in dentistry mokomoji knyga. References. Questions. Name all of the organs of digestive system. Thank you!

Glossary What is digestive system? Why is digestion important? Organs of the digestive system and their functions How is the digestive process controlled? Diseases of the digestive system Interesting facts Conclusion References Questions.

Hollow organs - tuščiaviduriai organaiDefinition: a hollow organ is an internal organ that forms a hollow tube or pouch.E.g.: The hollow organs of the abdomen are the stomach, small intestines, colon, gallbladder, bile ducts, fallopian tubes, ureters and urinary bladder. Epiglottis – antgerklisDefinition: a flap of cartilage behind the root of the tongue, which is depressed during swallowing to cover the opening of the windpipe.E.g.: The epiglottis is usually upright at rest allowing air to pass into the larynx and lungs. Regurgitation - atrijimasDefinition: the action of bringing swallowed food up again to the mouth.E.g.: Regurgitation is usually described as a sour taste in the mouth or a sense of fluid moving up and down in the chest. Sphincter – sfinkteris (raukas)Definition: a ring of muscle surrounding and serving to guard or close the openings of a stomach.E.g.: There are over 60 types of sphincters in the human body. Gut - žarnynasDefinition: a long tube in the body of a person or animal, through which food moves during the process of digesting food.E.g.: The nerves send signals to control the actions of your gut muscles to contract and relax to push food through your intestines.

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Digestive system. (January 27, 2021). https://documents.exchange/digestive-system/ Reviewed on 13:56, March 6 2025