Dialog About Social Media

Dialog about social media.

- I believe a good news story is supposed to be original because it is always interesting to read something you have never read before.

- I definitely agree with you and I would like to add that local relevance is also very important for a good news story because it attracts people‘s attention and these stories usually go viral.

-Yes, I do, but not as much as my friends. I use it mostly for chatting and keeping up with the news, also for doing some reading on the topics I‘m interested in.

-I use social media for learning and it also helps me to keep up with the news from all around the world.

- Would you agree with the idea that some of the information available on the internet is unreliable?

- Yes, I do agree with this idea because there are some information on the internet that is just obviously not true, for example there are articles with headlines such as „Lose 10 pounds in a week“ or „Learn a foreign language in a week“ which is not realistic at all.

  • Languages Home works
  • Microsoft Word 8 KB
  • 2020 m.
  • English
  • 2 pages (671 words)
  • Gymnasium
  • Karamele
  • Dialog about social media
    10 - 1 votes
Dialog about social media. (April 23, 2020). https://documents.exchange/dialog-about-social-media/ Reviewed on 16:51, March 6 2025