Diagnostics For GAD Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Dsm 5 criteria. Incidence & prevalence. GAD among Adults. GAD among Impaired Adults. GAD among adolescents. GAP impaired among adults. Theoretical perspectives comordibility. Categories and Dimensions. Description of the Presenting Problem.
GAD impacts more than 6.8 million grown-ups to the US population, or 2.7%, an adjusted odds ratio (OR) of 1.9%, therefore, indicates a higher annual prevalence of GAD on women. Divorced and widowed women have a 4.1% GAD while men have 1.6% GAD. Considering the level of education, the secondary level was 1.1%, while the urban living has 1.0% (Kring & Johnson, 2018)
About 43.2% are receiving treatment. The female gender is affected twice as men, at 3.4%, while men will be 1.9%. Also, an esteemed 5.5% of the US adults have experienced GAD in a particular phrase in their lifetime.