Devices & Hardware (2)

66 documents
3D Printers And Printing
3D printing is a process of making three dimensional objects from a digital file. How 3D Printer Works? D printers use a variety of very different types of additive manufacturing technologies. Every 3D Printer. Types of 3D Printers. There are 2 ...
Devices & Hardware, 13 pages
2016 03 06
3D printers presentation
The rate of technological progress is increasing every day. D printing technology. D printing technology is getting to casual consumer faster and cheaper in global scale. As of 2012, domestic 3D printing was mainly practiced by hobbyists and ...
Devices & Hardware, 9 pages
2016 03 13
3d printer
3D Printing. Introduction. 3D printing is. History. The technology for. To perform a. Additive Processes. Extrusion deposition (Fused. – nozzle ejecting molten plastic 2 – deposited material (modeled part) 3 – controlled movable table. ...
Devices & Hardware, 17 pages
2016 03 21
3D Printing
University of applied sciences. What is 3D printing? How does 3D printing work? Processes and technologies. Vat Photopolymerisation. Material Jetting. Binder Jetting. Material Extrusion. Powder Bed Fusion. Sheet Lamination. Directed Energy ...
Devices & Hardware, 16 pages
2015 11 30
Computer pros and cons
There are alot more advantages of computer then disadvantages. Computer is very popular and helpful invention to all, it is used by milions of people all around the world for different purposes. With internet you can find tons of information ...
Devices & Hardware, 1 page
2017 02 26
Computers and mobile phones in the future
Good morning dear colleagues. My name is Edgar and I’m a first year Software engineering student here at Vilnius Gediminas technical university. Today I’m going to talk about technologies development in the sphere of computers and mobile ...
Devices & Hardware, 2 pages
2017 12 08
Electronics in nanotechnology
The future of nanotechnology electronics in medicine. Nanotechnology in space. Space flight and nanotechnology applications under development. Spaceflight and nanotechnology research organizations. Air pollution and nanotechnology. How can ...
Devices & Hardware, 11 pages
2017 04 24
Intresting technological invention - Drone
An intresting technological invention. Drone. What is a Drone? Drone is an aircraft without a human pilot. The Inventor. Drone was invented by the International Civil Aviation Organization in Canada. Appearance. Usage. Helps in Filmmaking ...
Devices & Hardware, 11 pages
2015 11 05
Interesting gadgets
Interesting gadgets. Content. Interesting gadgets. Virtual reality headset. Google glass. Hoverboard. Smartwatch. Usb plazma ball. Gummy song skull. Wireless speaker. A gun shaped digital camera. Sources.
Devices & Hardware, 12 pages
2017 03 23
What is a robot?. There’s no precise definition. Where it came from ? Leonardo da Vinci drew plans for a mechanical man in. Fun fact ? Types of robots. Certain dangerous jobs are best done by robots. Robug III is designed to operate in ...
Devices & Hardware, 10 pages
2016 09 08
Analog and digital signals. Analog Signals. Digital Signal. What is the difference between analog and digital signals? Difference between Analog and Digital Audio. Difference between analog and digital video. Difference Between Analog and Digital ...
Devices & Hardware, 11 pages
2018 04 03
Automation and Robotics
New technologies in my specialization. Motivation. Automation and Robotics in Intelligent Environments. Robots. A Brief History of Robotics. Robots. Autonomous Robots. Traditional Industrial Robots. Problems. Robots for Intelligent Environments. ...
Devices & Hardware, 22 pages
2018 10 04
Battery PowerPoint
Battery. What is a battery? An electric battery. Batteries can be. Primary. Single-use or disposable batteries. One of the oldest batteries. Italian physicist Alessandro Volta built and described the first electrochemical battery. Hazards. ...
Devices & Hardware, 7 pages
2018 01 23
Computer hardware presentation
Computer Hardware. By. Content. Introduction History The basic technical. Introduction. Hardware refers to all of the physical parts of a computer system. History. When the first microcomputers were introduced in the late 1970s. The basic ...
Devices & Hardware, 14 pages
2017 12 08
Slides about robots
The rise of the robots. Categories frequently used. To classify robots. Aerospace. Exoskeletons. Total success! Applications. Industrial. Amazon warehouse robots. Wow! Amazon Scout. Positive things. Speed Consistency Perfection Productivity. ...
Devices & Hardware, 14 pages
2022 04 14
10 ways to reduce energy costs
An average household. LED lighting could. Turning down your. After cooking. When the fridge. Skip the heat-based. Instead of washing multiple small loads of laundry every day. It is estimated. Open curtains and. Photovoltaic solar systems.
Devices & Hardware, 22 pages
2017 03 26
3D printers
There are so many types of printing. Each other have different advantages and disadvantages, also they need different materialFor example pla abs differencies are like extruding temperature, material strenght and flexibility. And also. ...
Devices & Hardware, 2 pages
2017 03 13
3D printers and printing presentation
Prepared by Edgar Minikovič EI16A. ContentS. D printer History of. D printer. D printing is. History of 3d printer. Additive manufacturing equipment and materials were developed in the 1980s. D printer work. All the 3D printers on our lineup are ...
Devices & Hardware, 12 pages
2016 12 07
3D Printing presentation
University of applied sciences. faculty of electronics and informatics. D printing, also known as additive manufacturing (AM). How they look before and now. Modeling. Types of 3D printers. How does 3D printing work? A 3D printer. Material ...
Devices & Hardware, 11 pages
2016 01 07
3D Printing presentation (2)
3D Printing. What is 3d printing? D printing or. First 3D printer. D printer nowadays. How does 3d printing work? It all starts. Medical industry. The outlook for. Aerospace and aviation industries. The growth in utilisation of 3D printing in the ...
Devices & Hardware, 8 pages
2015 12 06
Action cameras
Action Cameras. WHAT is Action Cameras ? WHO use Action cameras ? HOW ? Producers. Countour. Camsports. Where? Usage of action camera. Extreme sports and.
Devices & Hardware, 7 pages
2017 04 10
Artificial intelligence presentation
Artificial intelligence. What is it? Artificial intelligence (AI). Beginning. First mentioned in Greek mythology (Talos of Crete. Goals. Reasoning Knowledge. Uses. Medicine (Hospitals, labs) Industry (Factories) Homes (Household chores) ...
Devices & Hardware, 10 pages
2016 05 04
Computer in our lifes
As years goes the computer comes more modern, it can do a lot more. It is a big question and risk, how will our future generations live with this lack of attention and even less spending time with their friends in real life, then in social ...
Devices & Hardware, 1 page
2017 03 13
Cybernetic security of substation
Introduction. Definitions and Terminology. Threats to the Security of Substation Systems. Substation Automation (SA) System Vulnerabilities. Slow Processors with Stringent Real-Time Constraints. Real-Time Operating Systems that Preclude Security. ...
Devices & Hardware, 18 pages
2016 05 18
Drone "LILY"
Lily is the world’s first throw-and-shoot camera. It’s made of Midnight Black Polycarbonate Brushed Aluminium. Video Resolution 1080p 60 fps / 720p 120 fps Video Format H. Sensors Accelerometer Three-axis Gyro Magnetometer Barometer GPS ...
Devices & Hardware, 11 pages
2017 01 03
DVD digital versatile disc
Capacity of regular DVD. SS = single-sided, DS = double-sided. Capacity of (re)writable DVD. Longevity. Dvd-rom drive. Internal mechanism of a DVD-ROM Drive. DVD-RW Drive operating with the protective cover removed. DVD drive speeds. Thank you ...
Devices & Hardware, 17 pages
2017 01 03
Earphones. Aims. Introduce the new product Price and quality Design criteria Testing. Price and quality. Powerbeats by Dr. Dre - 200$ Sennheiser IE80 - 449$. Excellent build quality Amazing Sound Quality Price 250$. Design criteria. Convenient ...
Devices & Hardware, 12 pages
2015 11 25
Electrity history
Knowledge Day originated in the USSR.The ability of humanity to destroy is now exponentially higher.Dean muttered rubbing his eyes.The amber gaze searched her face expectantly.You have a spark your forefathers didn't.A kite is ...
Devices & Hardware, 4 pages
2016 10 19
Electronic motors
Success with DC motors.History. Emergence of AC motors. Motor supply and control Motor supply. Self commutated motor Brushed DC motor. Electrically excited DC motor. Permanent magnet DC motor. . Cage and wound rotor induction motor. Continuous ...
Devices & Hardware, 24 pages
2017 04 12
Elektros srovės stipris, įtampa, varža
Elektros srovės stipris. Elektrinė įtampa. Elektrinė varža. Savitoji elektrinė medžiagos varža. Varžas (rezistoriusReostatas. Omo dėsnis grandinės daliai.
Devices & Hardware, 1 page
2021 04 12