Development Of The Strategy Of A Port Community

Development of the strategy of a port community. Mission of the port community actors. Port – policy - the premise of the port development. Port development. Delta port at rotterdam. Conclusion. Literature.

2.Globalization of national economies, manifested asa trend of the past few years has produced importantmutations in the field of maritime transport: new ships,new tourist attraction areas, new maritime routes as aresult of embargoes imposed on certain countries, newpolicies in the field of naval personnel. Moreover,adaptation to environmental change, from theperspective of firms involves changes to the port, anddifferent ways of establishing pathways. This attitudemakes it possible to draw up timely opportunities,integration of the new restrictions and taking newdecisions to abandon certain activities, the adoption of acommercial policy etc.). On the other hand, companiesare faced with a medium port moving, can adapteffectively acts quickly. This aspect involves thefinancial means, technological, human, as well asflexible structures. The time period between the adventof a new environment and when the company reactshould be short, in order to maintain competitiveness.

The evolution of the transition process brings aboutsignificant changes in the structure of the economygeneratingmechanisms, and in their turn, they lead toreorganizing the strategy of the economic agents. Withinthe present economic context, it is imperative that theeconomic agents pass from survival strategies to actionin order to create and maintain the competitiveadvantage.Today’s business world is at an unprecedentedcompetitive level. But, in the harsh, hostile environmentin which entrepreneurs act, it is absolutely necessary toevince the nodal points of the transition to marketeconomy, which necessarily requires a coherentmanagerial vision from a macroeconomic point of view,able to potentate the action of economic agents with thepower necessary to acknowledge and predict the changesin the business world.

Picture 1. Level of functional integration.

  • Transport Papers
  • Microsoft Word 320 KB
  • 2017 m.
  • English
  • 8 pages (1742 words)
  • College
  • Agne
  • Development of the strategy of a port community
    10 - 2 votes
Development of the strategy of a port community. (December 8, 2017). Reviewed on 13:53, March 6 2025