Copernikus – Eye Of The Earth

Copernikus – eye of the earth.
Copernicus has been specifically designed to complete user requirements. Based on satellite observations, Copernicus services provide real-time data at a global level, which can also be used for local and regional needs to help us better understand our planet and sustainably manage the environment. Copernicus is served by a set of satellites (Sentinel family) and contributing missions (existing commercial and public satellites). Sentinel satellites are specifically designed to meet the needs of Copernicus services and their users. Since the launch of the Sentinel-1A in 2014, the European Union has begun a process to bring the 2030s to life by 2030. Another constellation of nearly 20 satellites would be placed in orbit. Copernicus also collects information from systems such as ground stations that provide data from multiple sensors located on land, sea or air. Copernicus Services turn this asset into satellite and information into value-added information by processing and analysing data. Data sets which were compiled over decades are comparable and searchable, thus ensuring change monitoring; models are researched and used to create better forecasts, such as ocean and atmosphere. Maps consist of images, identify features and anomalies, and collect statistical information.