Company „Bega“ Presentation

Bega. Klaipėda. Klaipeda stevedoring company BEGA is the first private Lithuanian stevedoring company. Depth at berths 12 - 14. 8 m. The maximum vessel draft 11. „Bega“ facts and figures. BULK-PACKAGING The company provides value-added services. Services. AGENCY The Company is rendering port. Kjkk bega is socially. Social responsibility. Bulk cargo dry bulk. Terminals. Commerce department ship agency forwarders bulk bagging human resources public relations. Contacts. Aloyzas Kuzmarskis Chairman. Leadership. General contacts phone +370 (46) 39 55. Literature.
BULK CARGO Dry bulk fertilizers terminal Bulks import-export terminal Agribulks terminal Other bulks LIQUID BULK Liquid fertilaizers terminal Liquid food products terminal Liquid chemical products terminal.
Commerce department ship agency forwarders bulk bagging human resources public relations.
Aloyzas Kuzmarskis Chairman of the Board Laimonas Rimkus CEO Stanislavas Lamakinas Operations Director Renaldas Vysniauskas Finance Director Karolis Kuzmarskis Commercial Director.
- Logistics Presentations
- MS PowerPoint 50 KB
- 2018 m.
- English
- 11 pages (346 words)
- College
- Agne