Christmas Around The World Slides

Christmas Around The World. Brazil. Merry Christmas Feliz Natal. In Brazil they call Father Christmas ‘Papai Noel’. Christmas there is very hot because it comes at the beginning of their Summer. China. Christmas Shang Dan Jiang. How do Christians in China decorate their houses for Christmas? They use bright coloured paper lanterns to decorate for Christmas. Christmas Day is not a public holiday in China like it is in England. Chinese children hang. Malta. Merry Christmas Il-Milied it-Tajjeb (eel mileed ittayyeb). Do you know. It is a child aged between 7 and 10 years old. Norway. Merry Christmas God Jul. It is traditional in Norway to ‘circle the tree’ before opening presents. Every year the. Australia. What pulls Santa’s sleigh around Australia instead of Reindeer? It is summer in Australia at Christmas so it is very. France. Merry Christmas Joyeux Noel. Marie. Joseph. Les bergers. L’agneau. Les rois. Le sapin. Père Noël. Le bonhomme de neige. Le bonhomme de neige Il est très joli et beau Il a deux yeux. Netherlands. Merry Christmas Zalig Kerstfeest. The main Christmas celebration in the Netherlands is on St. Did you know? The name Santa Claus comes from the Dutch word for St. What do you think Dutch children leave instead of stockings for Sinterklaas to fill. On Sinterklaasavond children. Germany. Merry Christmas Fröliche Weihnachten. German children also. If the children have been good when they come down on St.
- Culture Presentations
- MS PowerPoint 397 KB
- 2019 m.
- English
- 24 pages (707 words)
- Gymnasium
- Giedrius