Cardiovascular System Project

Cardiovascular system. Contents. Glossary. Structure. The heart. Blood vessels. Blood. Blood circulation. Functions. Transportation. Protection. Diseases. Symptomes. Tips for circulatory healt. Test. Fill in the gaps. Name organs, vessels and blood type. Sources.

Location: Between the lungs; Behind the breastbone. Size: the fist of a particular person; 200-425 grams. Shape: Reversed cone.

Pericardium – protects heart and contains roots of great vessels too.

Two-part pumping action; Consists of diastole and systole; Lasts about one second.

*plazma ~55% *blood cells ~45%: -red blood cells -white blood cells -platelets.

Narrow arteries High blood pressure Damage of the heart, brain, vessels, eyes, kidneys.

Blood clot blocks brain artery; Vessel breaks open; Low blood supply;.

Not enough blood; Arterie blockage; The damage of the heart muscle.

Irregular heratbeating; Sweating; Nausea; Shortness of breath; Pain in the chest; Vomiting; Confusion; Pain in shoulders, neck, jaw; fainting;.

The heart has Chambers; 2. Separates the left side and the right side of the heart; 3. blood flow in the heart is controled by ‚the doors‘ called ; 4. Are tubes, which brings blood back to the heart; 5. Is a muscular middle layer of the heart; 6. Is also known as ‚silent killer‘; 7. , and Are 3 major funcions of cardiovasular system; 8. disease, when blood Blocks arteries of the Is called strokes.

  • Medicine Presentations
  • MS PowerPoint 6839 KB
  • 2019 m.
  • English
  • 30 pages (671 words)
  • University
  • Kristė
  • Cardiovascular system project
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Cardiovascular system project. (October 6, 2019). Reviewed on 13:38, March 6 2025