Book Review: What Technology Wants By Kevin Kelly

What Technology Wants. About the author. In this book you will learn. Sentences and phrases I would like to explain. How humanity and technology relate. What technology is, does and wants. The Future of Technology. Unknown words and their definitions. Thank you!
Sentences and phrases I would like to explain.
Technology includes everything from flint axes and language to computers and culture. Human impulses and desires spur the technium, which has a life of its own Technology, like life, evolves. Technological evolution gives people more choices People should evaluate each new technological option consciously and methodically “Soft” technology “Hard” technology.
As technology develops, it gains more of the attributes of a living system. Technology also changes the nature of human society because it builds upon itself. When a new computer chip comes out, it doesn’t just speed up computers, it creates ripples of change throughout the technological world. Technology has a multiplying effect that improves human life. Ultimately, technology “wants what we want”, however technology has its negative side – waste, pollution and destruction – but its overall effect is positive.
Glacial – (ledinis) cold, icy Proponents – (šalininkas) a person who advocates a theory, proposal, or course of action Obsolete – (pasenusi) no longer produced or used; out of date Alienating – (atribojantis) make (someone) feel isolated or estranged Omnipresent – (papiltęs) widely or constantly encountered; widespread Pervasively – (pli) spreading widely throughout an area or a group of people Depriving - (atimti) prevent (a person or place) from having or using something Deliberately – (sąmoningai) consciously and intentionally; on purpose Subatomic – (dalelė) smaller than or occurring within an atom.
- Technology Presentations
- MS PowerPoint 35 KB
- 2018 m.
- English
- 12 pages (807 words)
- University
- Simonas