Book „Divergent“ Presentation

Divergent. Book is written. Divergent trilogy books. Divergent (2011 april 26) insurgent (2012 may 1) alegiant (2013 october 22). Veronica roth books. Veronica roth. Born In 1988 August 19th(30years) American writer, novelist, short stories writer. Story start. The story opens. Factions. Abnegation candor erudite dauntles amity. Book main characters. Tris (Beatrice) Prior Tobias. Story. The book sarts with Beatrice’s mother cutting her hair. She has a strong desire to join Dauntless. The other day, all the families of sixteen-year-olds attend the Choosing Ceremony. When she drives. Movie actors. Tris Prior (Shailene Woodley). Movie. What did this book learned me.

Born In 1988 August 19th(30years) American writer, novelist, short stories writer.

The story opens with a Chicago city. The only town left with humans. People destroyed life in the Earth, so the Creators made a city with all left people in the world(at least they’ve sed that). To save the rest of the life, people are divided into 5 factions.

Tris (beatrice) prior tobias eaton jeanine matthews caleb prior(tris brother) natalie prior(tris mother) andrew prior(tris father) *colours shows what factions do characters belong to*.

The other day, all the families of sixteen-year-olds attend the Choosing Ceremony. Caleb picks Erudite and Beatrice chooses Dauntless.

  • Literature Presentations
  • MS PowerPoint 27490 KB
  • 2018 m.
  • English
  • 14 pages (421 words)
  • School
  • Vilte
  • Book „Divergent“ presentation
    10 - 2 votes
Book „Divergent“ presentation. (December 12, 2018). Reviewed on 13:50, March 6 2025