Book „Bird Box“ Project

Josh Malerman. About the author. Josh Malerman is an. The plot. In a post-apocalyptic world, Malorie advises two children that they will be going downstream. A woman invites. Soon thereafter Malorie. My favourite scene. My favourite scene. Me favourite character. My favourite character. My feelings about the book. When I read this book I could not distract the eyes from the book. Quiz. What names did they gave for the girl and the boy. Vocabulary. Peeking – žvilgsnis, Meagre – menkas. Clutching – susikabinimas, Pants – kelnaitės. Screech – žudymas, Growl – nuliūdimas. Thank you for your attention!
A woman invites Malorie over to a house, goes into a trance and kills herself. Malorie is rescued by a guy named Tom. One of the survivors theorizes that an otherworldly entity has invaded Earth, causing them to commit suicide. They cover all windows in the house and blindfold themselves when they must go outside. As the supply of food decreases (and with the arrival of Olympia, who is also pregnant)survivors decide to go to a supermarket to restock. Malorie finds pet birds and decides to take them along. The group attempts to help a coworker who is locked outside the supermarket. The birds that Malorie has saved go into a hysterical fury. The group is attacked by the infected coworker.
My favourite scene was when surviving people drove with newspaper glued machine into the supermarket and Melorie finds the bird box near the cash desk. These birds felt which people is healthy which - unhealthy.
My favourite character is Melorie, because she is a woman fighting for survival. She was very smart and different.
Peeking – žvilgsnis, Meagre – menkas, Subtlest – subtilus, Utensils – indai, Discoloured – išbluko, Stains – dėmės, Whittled – susitraukė, Doorless – be durų, Blindly – aklai, Foyer – prieškambaris, foje,.
- Literature Presentations
- MS PowerPoint 3901 KB
- 2019 m.
- English
- 12 pages (676 words)
- Gymnasium
- Smilte