
Bloodletting. Vocabulary. Whats is bloodletting? Four humors. Barbershop‘s pole. Points for bloodletting. Tools. Cupping. Technique. Effectiveness. Cupping in sports. Side effects. Does it really work? Leeching. Risks. Pneumonia. Hemochromatosis. Polycythemia vera. May reduce risk for cancer. May help stave off illnesses. Reduces hardening of the arteries and heart attack risk. May improve insulin sensitivity.
Red stripe - blood White stripe - cloth tourniquet Blue - veins.
20-24 cups are placed on the patient’s back A mild suction is created using a cup and a pump The cups are then removed and superficial skin incisions are made with a small scalpel Second suction is performed to draw out around 500 millilitres of blood.
Muscle pain Digestive issues Skin issues Common cold Pneumonia Bronchitis.
Soothes sore and tired muscles Increases blood flow Promote muscle healing Increases range of motion.
Dizziness Nausea Scarring of the skin Hematoma Infection.
Death Drop in blood pressure Cardiac arrest Infections Anemia.
It is a condition where people make too many red blood cells.
- Biology Presentations
- MS PowerPoint 2729 KB
- 2018 m.
- English
- 28 pages (662 words)
- Gymnasium
- Marija