Black-footed Ferret Slides

Black-footed ferret. The black footed ferret is a species of mustelid native to central North America. Extinction risk endangered population approximately 300 in the wild. habitats grasslands. Description. Long narrow. Diet. Prairie dogs are essential to their survival. Behavior and reproduction. Black-footed ferrets spend about 90 percent of their time underground. Protecting black-footed ferrets. Black-footed ferrets are. Video.
The black footed ferret is a species of mustelid native to central North America. It is listed as endangered by the IUCN due to its very small and restricted populations. All wild populations known are the product of massive efforts to reintroduction the species.
Extinction risk endangered population approximately 300 in the wild. habitats grasslands.
Long, narrow body Type: Mammals. Short muzzle. Male body length: 50–54 cm. Tail length: 11–13 cm. (22–25% of its body length). Females are typically 10% smaller than males. Weight: 630–1400 grams. Face has band of black, which includes the eyes. Sides of the head and the ears are dirty-white in color. AVERAGE LIFE SPAN IN CAPTIVITY: 12 years.
- Geography Presentations
- MS PowerPoint 1171 KB
- 2020 m.
- English
- 7 pages (335 words)
- Gymnasium
- Martynas