Biology (6)
Baskerville Old Face. Office Theme. Bengal Tiger. The Bengal tiger. Characteristics. Genetic ancestry. Body weight. In culture.
Biology, 11 pages
2017 04 02
Biomimicry. Shark skin. By Gražvydas Eglinas MD 4/. Inspired by the. Shark skin is. The denticles have grooves running down their length in. Scientists have been. Olso it can. The end ].
Biology, 7 pages
2017 01 03
Body cavities and digestion. Thoracic cavity. Abdominal cavity. Pelvic cavity. The digestive system. Mouth. The digestive system. Stomach. The digestive system. Literature.
Biology, 14 pages
2016 02 27
Cryptozoology. Cryptozoology is the. They also look for more commonplace animals. Creatures that are under investigation by cryptozoologists are called cryptids. Cryptozoologists are a specialized branch of monster hunters. Bernard ...
Biology, 15 pages
2016 11 16
Dinosaurs. Kinds of. Dinosaurs. Allosaurus. Big al. Where Dinosaurs Lived. Paleontology. So what do you think. a Paleontologist is? Megalosaurus. Did They Have Colors? Plant-Eaters. Meat-Eaters. The Food Chain. Well, we don’t know the real ...
Biology, 31 page
2016 03 17
Written and lllustrated by Phillip Martin. Dinosaurs roamed the planet long before people showed up. Even though people didn’t live when the dinosaurs were around. Dinosaurs bones were first discovered by the Chinese. The word dinosaur. ...
Biology, 10 pages
2016 04 28
Druhoústí (deuterostomia). Obecná charakteristika. Ostnokožci – Jsou to mořští živočichové, kteří jsou druhotně paprsčitě souměrní. Lilijice. Hvězdice. Hadice. Ježovky. Sumýši. Polostrunatci. Strunatci. Pláštěnci. ...
Biology, 4 pages
2021 11 04
Elephants. Why they are disappear? Very expensive bone and tusk. Appearance. This is the. Exclusive properties. Trunk. Trunk elephants scrap branches elevates items. Ears. Enormous ears of. Diet. 200 kilos grass. Elephants populations. What is it ...
Biology, 10 pages
2017 05 28
Endangered animal species! Tarzano chameleonas. Tarzan Chameleon found in the in humid place forest. Vėpsaėdis. Spalva labai įvairuoja. Patino galva pilka, patelės kiek išmarginta.
Biology, 6 pages
2016 10 28
Endangered Animals. Some endangered mammals. Asian Elephant & Blue Whale. Hybrid Spider Monkey. & Asiatic Cheetah. Some endangered birds. Marquesan Kingfisher,. California Condor & Whooping Crane. Some endangered reptiles. Hawksbill Sea Turtle & ...
Biology, 12 pages
2015 10 07
Extraordinary abilieties of animals. Mantis shrimp. Turrinopsis jellyfish. Feral pigeons. Lyrebird. Swifts. North American wood frog. Salamanders, starfish and lizards. African elephants. Cheetah. Kangaroo Rat. Thank you for your attention!
Biology, 12 pages
2017 03 18
Forest ecosystem. Content. Ecosystem Forest ecosystem Factors of. An ecosystem is. A forest ecosystem is an area of the landscape. Factors of an ecosystem. Forest food web. Fauna and wildlife. Soil. Absence of soil. Accumulated organic layer. ...
Biology, 12 pages
2016 09 07
The fun part of pets is that you never know what they will do next, the mutual trust and love is what bonds an owner and a pet together. Therefore, I understand dogs that are modified abit so their fur would not cause allergies to other people ...
Biology, 1 page
2016 05 10
Introduction. What are GMOs? A Brief History Of Genetically Modified Organisms From Prehistoric Breeding To Modern Biotechnology. What are Some of the Advantages of GM foods? GMOs Adventages. The Safety of Genetically Modified food? Why GMO ...
Biology, 23 pages
2017 01 11
How do Animals Move? Some animals move by crawling. Some animals move by galloping. Some animals move by swimming. Some animals move by flying. Some animals move by slithering. Some animals move by leaping. Some animals move by climbing. Some ...
Biology, 15 pages
2015 11 26
The irrawaddy dolphin. The Irrawaddy dolphin is an unusual species of dolphin. Description. This dolphin has. Distribution. The distribution areas of the Irrawaddy Dolphin are quite spread out. Ecology and Habitat. An inhabitant of marine and ...
Biology, 8 pages
2016 11 13
Lion. These kings of the jungle can weigh between 250 and 550 pounds. Lives in Algeria Morocco. Barbary lion. Is found in Gir Forest National Park of northwestern India. Asiatic lion. Found in western Africa, from Senegal to the Central ...
Biology, 18 pages
2016 03 31
Lions. By Deimante Rimkute Veliuona. About lions. Lions are angry. Lions male, have long hair, but short fur. What lions eat? Lions eat meat buffalo, zebra. Lions male. Lions female.
Biology, 7 pages
2017 01 12
Mako sharks and blue whales. Kristijonas Nasyrovas and Julius Adamonis 8a class. Mako sharks. Fact about the Mako Shark. They are the fastest of all species of sharks in the world. What does a Mako Shark eat? Mako Shark body. The mako shark has a ...
Biology, 7 pages
2017 01 16
Mammals. Little about mammals. The word "Mammal" is modern. All female mammals nurse their young with milk. Elephants. Elephants are large mammals of the family Elephantidae and the order Proboscidea. The giant panda. The giant panda is ...
Biology, 9 pages
2016 04 11
My favourite animal. IS aTiger. Made by Lukas Milaševičius 3B. The Amur tiger. Like tiger, because he is beautiful and strong. Greatest weight of Amur tigers living in the wild. Body length in male Amur tiger by the tail reaches. The Siberian ...
Biology, 8 pages
2016 12 07
Obecné vlastnosti organismů. Nukleové kyseliny a bílkoviny. Buňka = celula. Metabolismus. Autoregulace. Jedinec a druh. Závislost organismů na prostředí. Chemické složení organismů. Hierarchie organismů. Základní rozdělení ...
Biology, 7 pages
2021 11 04
Polar Bear. Habitat. The polar bear habitat is that of the entire Arctic region. How many polar bears are there? Researches estimate that. Main Reasons of extinction. Climate change oil exploration. Facts. Polar bears have black skin and although ...
Biology, 7 pages
2017 02 20
Raccoon. Common raccoon. Spread. This animal the most widespread Canada, North America, Europe. Subspecies. Procyon lotor auspicatus, Procyon lotor elucus. Raccoons in Lithuania. Raccoon Found in Lithuania, entered in the national lists of ...
Biology, 8 pages
2016 04 12
Ryby - poznávačka. Jeseter velký. Jeseter malý. Vyza velká. Sleď obecný. Sardinka obecná. Sardel ančovička. Losos obecný. Pstruh obecný. Lipan podhorní. Štika obecná. Kapr obecný. Lín obecný. Cejn velký. Treska obecná. Mník ...
Biology, 25 pages
2022 04 25
Siberian tiger. By Narek Tunian. The Siberian tiger, also known as the Amur tiger. Distribution of the Siberian tiger (in red). The Siberian tiger once ranged throughout all of Korea. The Siberian tiger. The fur of the Siberian tiger is ...
Biology, 7 pages
2017 01 15
Slow Loris. Slow lorises are. Evolutionary history. Slow loris ancestors. Slender Loris. Where they live? They live in. *Asia *Bangladesh *India *Philippines. The eyes of slow lorises are large and have a reflective layer. While the slow. If you ...
Biology, 13 pages
2017 03 09
Spužve. Uvod. Referatu vam bova opisali spužve, ki so zelo zanimive morske živali. Prehranjevanje - filtracija. Razmnoževanje. Kamrice. Plasti spužev.
Biology, 6 pages
2022 06 05
The most dangerous animals in the world! Hippopotamus. The common hippopotamus. Leopard. When most animals are wounded they run away and hide. Boomslang. The boomslang is a large, venomous snake in the family Colubridae. Great White Shark. The ...
Biology, 14 pages
2017 03 24
Tiger. The tiger (Panthera tigris) is the largest cat species. Its most recognizable. In zoos, tigers have lived for 20 to 26 years. They are territorial and generally solitary but social animals. Elephant. Elephants. They are large ...
Biology, 18 pages
2016 04 06