Biology (5)
Last and most important reason is pollution. From air pollution started climate change. Good example is the North and South poles which suffers the most from the climate change. Polar animals due of warmer weather more and more difficult to ...
Biology, 1 page
2016 10 22
Antique prosthetics. Prosthetics in 16th century. Prosthetics in 20th century. Bionic prosthetics in 21th century. New human type – cyborgs.The 20th century to produce even more functional, more stable and lighter prosthetics.The ...
Biology, 15 pages
2016 02 27
Talking about animals conditionals in Lithuania.
Biology, 1 page
2016 05 04
Besides, the speaker's speech was very sensitive, because the subject of racism is close to her. She tells the story from her own life, how she was treated from the young age and elder. Perhaps because it is a touchy subject, the presentator ...
Biology, 1 page
2016 12 11
Furthermore, animals that suffer from such medical test care about us and we should care about them as much as they do. They can't do much in this harsh world, so it's our job to get along with The Mother Nature, because we have a chance. That's ...
Biology, 1 page
2016 03 01
The structure and two functions of carbohydrates.
Biology, 8 pages
2016 01 27
Задачи лабораторной работы. Принадлежности к работе. Ход работы. Результаты Эксперимента. Выводы о проделаной Работе.
Biology, 2 pages
2022 02 03
Tiger. Tigers. Tigers are the largest felines in the world. Tigers live in Asia. Larger subspecies tend to live in northern. Tigers prey. All tigers are carnivores. Most of a tiger's eats large prey. Interesting facts about tigers. Tigers like to ...
Biology, 9 pages
2016 01 16
Alcoholism and alcohol abuse. Vardas pavardė Grupė. History. Social work’s history. Social work educators preparation. Social work educators. Social work. Today social. The list of. Coordinating and collaborating. Alcohol is the way to death. ...
Biology, 6 pages
2018 03 17
Animal testing discussion Animal testing. “Virtually every medical achievement of. For what reasons are animals used for testing? To advance scientific understanding. Why do scientists use animals in research? S Animal comfort is a primary ...
Biology, 32 pages
2017 12 08
Animals communication. Bees. Bees dance when they. White-tailed. White-tailed deer show alarm by flicking up their tails. Elephants. Elephants show affection by entwining their trunks. Giraffes. Giraffes press their necks together when they ...
Biology, 8 pages
2018 01 09
Animals. There are four species of animals. Mammals. Elephant. Rhinoceros. Hippopotamus. Giraffe. Zebra. Koala. Invertebrates. Snail. Octopus. Jelly- fish. Worm. Earthworm. Amphibians. Treefrogs. Tropical frogs. Toads. Salamanders. Reptiles. ...
Biology, 27 pages
2018 03 22
Consumption of fast food on a regular basis has direct consequences in diet that leads to obesity and other diseases. In many ways, it is concerned that education on healthy diet can deal with the issue. In my opinion, education about hygienic ...
Biology, 1 page
2019 01 28
Endangered. Animals. In Lithuania. European pond turtle. Smooth snake. European tree frog. Natterjack Toad. European fire-bellied toad. Northern crested newt. Lot. Bufo viridis. Lutra lutra. Bison bonasus. Mustela lutreola. Myotis dasycneme. ...
Biology, 13 pages
2018 01 09
Fennec fox. He fennec fox is the smallest member of the dog family. Fox can jump 1m forward when springing into action to catch prey. Prey - auka. The fennec fox lives in the Sahara desert. Their diet ranges. Their adorable appearance makes them ...
Biology, 7 pages
2018 03 22
Genetically modified food. GM food. Genetically modified foods or GM. Advantages. Huge amount of. Disadvanages. Not one-hundred percent environment-friendly Unusual taste Not totally safe to eat Exploitations Causes conflicts. IN my ...
Biology, 6 pages
2018 01 11
Golden lion tamarin an endangered species. Species Description and Range. Causes of Endangerment. Habitat Loss , Overexploitation. Conservation Actions. Habitat Protection and Community Education. Captive Breeding and Reintroduction. The ...
Biology, 1 page
2018 10 04
Hyena. Presentation d What kinds of Hyenas there are? Spotted hyenas. Habitats. Spotted. Life style. Mammals. Wild Facts About Hyenas. Hyenas digest bones. Spotted hyenas are born with a full set of teeth. Thank You for your attention.
Biology, 9 pages
2018 10 04
Kakapo. Appearance. Habitat. It is known. Diet. They are herbivorous Eating native plants. Behaviour. The kākāpō is best described as a midnight rambler. Nowadays. Today only about 40 kakapos survive in the wild.
Biology, 6 pages
2018 01 23
My favourite animal. Where is scarlet macaw from? Macao is Central and South American parrot. How does the scarlet macaw looks like? Scarlet macaw has white face and brightly-colored. What does it eat? Macaw eats nuts, fruit, trees along with ...
Biology, 6 pages
2022 03 31
Pandemics, epidemics, outbreaks are a relevant topic, as we are in a COVID-19 pandemic right now. Over the centuries pandemics and epidemics have affected us, our pastors, food, animals, pretty much everything around the globe. It’s important ...
Biology, 1 page
2022 03 31
Secondary and quaternary protein structure. Content. Introduction to secondary structure. Protein secondary structure. Types of secondary structure. Α-Helix. Structure, hydrogen bonding and composition. Which amino acids are found in alpha ...
Biology, 23 pages
2022 04 14
Australian insects. Top 2 Dangerous snakes. Australian Cobra. Belcher’s Sea Snake. Australian Cobra. Cobras are highly recognizable because of their wide neck collars. Belcher’s Sea Snake. These slender, striped snakes may be familiar to you. ...
Biology, 9 pages
2019 05 23
SUGAR affects to our brain. Sugar history. Sugar was first. The history of sugar has five main phases. The extraction of sugar cane juice from the sugarcane plant. Sugarcanes. Sugar types. PROS and CONS of sugar for the brain. Cons. Sugar ...
Biology, 8 pages
2019 03 20
The effects of caffeine on the body. What is caffeine? How it works. Can Caffeine Treat Depression? Is it good or bad for health? Benefits VS damage. Everything is healthy in moderation.
Biology, 7 pages
2022 03 31
Kingdom Animalia Phylum. The Amur Leopard. Amur leopards differ from other subspecies by a thick coat of spot covered fur. Characteristics. Hermann Schlegel first. Distribution and habitat. Amur leopards are. Ecology and behavior. Threats. ...
Biology, 12 pages
2015 09 16
Animal Extinction. Contents. Endangered animals. Habitat destruction and fragmentation. National and international wildlife trade. Pollution. Over harvesting and other ways of using animals. Facts about endangered species. Animals which are ...
Biology, 20 pages
2016 12 05
Animal Migration. What is migration? Which animals migrate? Why do animals migrate? Types of Migration. How do animals migrate? How do we know where animals go? Bird Migration. Neotropical migrant birds. Neotropical Migrant Bird Conservation. How ...
Biology, 31 page
2017 04 26
Animals classification. Their structure. The food they eat. According to. Carnivorous. How they are born. Viviparous. Invertebrate. Vertebrate. Invertebrates. Arthropods. Animals with backbones. Mammals. Birds. They are oviparous. Fish. They are ...
Biology, 19 pages
2015 11 26
Animals migration. For most of the year, red crabs can be found within Christmas Islands' forests. Red crabs migration. Wildebeest migration (I). Not all wildebeest. Wildebeest migration (II). Each year, some East African populations of blue ...
Biology, 11 pages
2016 09 12