At School, Which Helps Personal Development More: Working Individually Or In Groups?

At school, which helps personal development more working individually or in groups? Essay.
Nowadays, at school, teachers let students choose whether they want to study individually or in groups. These things help pupils with their personal development. The truth is that there are valid arguments for and against both working separately and as a team.
The habitual argument in favour of working individually is that it lets you organize your work on your own and stick to the flow that is suitable for you (and maintain adequate productivity). Some students may accomplish projects faster than others and they would not need to wait for those who want to catch up. Of course, along with this, it has it is cons. For example, without other people to feed your ideas or (bounce ideas off) to talk about them, the project will be less creative, and it can fail. If it does, one must take the whole responsibility.