Assignment On Transportation, Fleet Management And Route Planning

Assignment on transportation, fleet management and route planning.
High transport cost. Payment is calculated independently from the charging volume compared to the total load of the vehicle.
Incorrect carriage. When transporting several consignments several contacts possible errors.
One of the biggest advantages of rail transport: reliability, regularity and universality. The main railway advantages and disadvantages presented in Table 2.
Versatility. The ability to transport intermodal cargo (heavy weight and volume, as well as in bulk).
Independence. Rail freight transported 7 days a week, regardless of weather conditions.
Insignificant restrictions on the transport of dangerous goods. Demanded the transport of dangerous goods by rail governed by RID regulations.
The long transportation time. Depending on the amount of goods transported by freight train formation only.
Packaging. Requires stronger packaging than in road transport, in order to protect the goods from shock and vibration during travel.
Embezzlement. Comfort plundering, especially in transporting small goods in large quantities.
One of the biggest advantage of water transport - the largest carrying capacity in all modes of transport. The main water transport advantages and disadvantages presented in Table 3.
Low transportation tariffs. Loads are transported in large quantities over long distances, affects economies of scale.
Ongoing work round the clock. Cargo transported regardless of time of day, holidays and weather conditions.
Convenient packaging. The possibility of the use of containers for transportation.
Traffic frequency. The frequency is not great compared to other modes of transport.
A main advantage of air is speed. The biggest of all modes of transport. Very good in long distance. The main air transport advantages and disadvantages presented in Table 4
Packaging. Don’t have to be an exclusive or a complex packaging.
Lower costs stocks. Cargo carried in a secure, fast and reliable mode of transport, it is not necessary to accumulate the stock.
High tariffs. The most expensive type of transport, although it is noted that the lower cost of packaging, supplies, insurance may cover the high tariffs.
• transportation costs;• Timeliness of shipments;• The frequency of shipments;• transport safety (Bazaras, D., Vasilis Vasiliauskas, A, 2010).
Type of transport - will depend on what type of road network will be used, what constraints these paths must. Road network as well as restrictions associated with restrictions on movements of vehicles on roads - speed or the traffic, holidays, repairs, or use the toll road network;
The vehicle - not all vehicles can use all the roads. If it is a non-standard vehicle, it may be physically unable to overcome a certain distance;
The cover of the route - the shortest way sometimes traveling can be spent significantly longer period of time than driving longer, but better, more sustainable way of having a cover;
The customs stations - not all of them served by all means of transport, some of which are carried out only when the necessary procedures. It is important to establish customs stations layout planning the route for the European Union;
- Transport Term papers
- Microsoft Word 3769 KB
- 2016 m.
- English
- 33 pages (4957 words)
- University
- Dovydas