Are Electric Vehicles Better For The Environment?

Are electric vehicles better for the environment?.

So today, what I’d like to do is to discuss about electric vehicles, their manufacturing, CO2 emissions, which vehicle with the electric engine or with the petrol engine is better for the environment. And I’ll take from 8 to 10 minutes to prove that electric vehicles are more friendly for the environment that the cars with the internal combustion engine. So, in these days more and more people are choosing cars with the electric engine. Electric cars are even more appealing in a world where reducing carbon emission and pollution is a growing concern for many people. The researches has shown that electric cars are better for the environment. They emit less greenhouse gases and air pollutants over their life than a petrol or a diesel car. Since interest in electric cars is growing all the time, there are many questions how green and clean the actually are. From manufacturing concerns to the way in which electricity is generated. I look at some of the facts surrounding electric cars and their environment impact.

To start with, lets talk about manufacturing.

  • Technology Speaking
  • Microsoft Word 12 KB
  • 2021 m.
  • English
  • 1 page (664 words)
  • University
  • Tadas
  • Are electric vehicles better for the environment?
    10 - 1 votes
Are electric vehicles better for the environment?. (April 26, 2021). Reviewed on 13:06, March 6 2025