Antanas Smetona Biography

Antanas Smetona biography.
Antanas Smetona was born on 10th of August in 1874. He was one of the most important Lithuanian political figures between World War I and World War II. He served as the first President of Lithuania from 4th of April in 1919 to 19th of June in 1920. Smetona was the eighth of nine children. His parents were hardworking people who managed to double their inherited land from 5 hectares to 12 hectares . His father was literate so Smetona learned to read at home. He was merried to Sofija Chodakauskaitė and they had daughter named Birutė.
He graduated from Taujėnai Primary School, studied privately in Ukmerge and Liepaja, Latvia in 1893. Graduated from Palanga Progymnasium, passed exams at Samogitian Seminary in Kaunas, but changed his mind and entered Mintauya Gymnasium. In Mintauya gymnasium together with Jonas Jablonskis and Vincas Kudirka belonged to the secret Lithuanian organization. He was removed from the gymnasium for national requirements and refusal to pray in Russian.
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