Anna Sewell Book „Black Beauty“ Presentation

Black Beauty. Anna Sewell. Anna Sewell was. This book is about a black horse which name is Black Beauty. The life of. My favourite characters. Ginger – is. My favorite scene. My favorite scene. My Feelings. Like this book because There is a lot of action in it. Quiz questions. When did Anna Sewell born? When did Anna Sewell wrote book of Black Beauty. Vocabulary. English - Lithuanian Master. English – Lithuanian Joy. English – Lithuanian Novel. Thank you for your attention.

This book is about a black horse which name is Black Beauty. Black Beauty experiences a lot of troubles and meets brute people. But sometime badness finishes and comes love, respect and kindness.

The life of Black Beauty started in the farm where good and caring people took care of their horses. But one day their master wife got sick and they were forced to sell all horses to the other masters. And this is the begining of all disasters. Later one master sells Black Beauty to another master and so endlessly.

Ginger – is Black Beauty girlfriend. When they met the first time she was not very friendly. But later they came a couple. Ginger and Merrylegs – are the first and the best Black Beauty‘s friends.

My favorite scene was when the groom drove the horse‘s master to the train station. Their cart needed some repairs so the groom had to leave it in the town. Then he went to the pub and when he need to go home he was drunk. When they rode from the city Black Beauty has lost his horseshoe. Suddenly Black Beauty stumbled and dropped the rider on the road. They were injured and couldn‘t arise. Next morning Ginger drove the cart and saw injured Black Beauty and his groomer. Ginger groomer was very pleasant and helped them to came home.

  • Literature Presentations
  • MS PowerPoint 3322 KB
  • 2018 m.
  • English
  • 11 pages (513 words)
  • School
  • Gustė
  • Anna Sewell book „Black beauty“ presentation
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Anna Sewell book „Black beauty“ presentation . (December 5, 2018). Reviewed on 13:44, March 6 2025