Anatomy Of The Tooth And Periodontium

Anatomy of the tooth and periodontium. Content. Glossary. Structure of the tooth. Crown. Root. Neck. Enamel. Enamel structure and composition. Dentin. Dental pulp. Cementum. Surfaces of the teeth. Incisors. Maxillary central incisor. Labial aspect. Maxillary central incisor. Maxillary vs. Mandibular. Central incisor. Lateral incisors. Labial aspect. Mesial aspect. Canine. Premolar. Differences between. Maxillary 1st and 2nd premolars. Mesial aspect. Lingual aspect. Facial aspect. Occlusal aspect. Molar. Differences between. Maxillary and mandibular molars. Anatomy of the periodontium. Gingiva. Structure and function. Gingiva. Anatomic areas. Free gingiva. Gingival sulcus. Attached gingiva. Interdental gingiva. Alveolar mucosa. Mucogingival junction. Periodontal ligament. Alveolar bone. Occlusion. Outline of the maxillary arch is larger than mandibular. Sources.
Glossary; Stucture of the tooth; Surfaces of the teeth; Types of the teeth and their functions; Anatomy of the periodontium; Occlusion; Sources.
Convex – išgaubimas; Convex functions play an important role in many areas of mathematics Cingulum – emalio ketera danties karūnėlėje In zoology cingulum refers to this feature only in the upper teeth Slope – šlaitas The distal cusp slope is longer than the mesial cusp slope.
Covered with enamel; Visible part; Above the gingiva; Various shapes.
Embedded in the jaw; Normally not visible; The number varies individualy.
The hardest substance in the body; Translucent; Can not regrow; Damage – painless;.
Calcium and phosphate ions; Proteins – enamelins; Water.
Hard and porous tissue; Underneath the enamel and cementum; Can regenerate; Chemical composition: 70% inorganic matter; 30% organic matter and water.
Soft tissue; Pulp chamber -> radicular pulp; Pulp contains: Odontoblasts; Cells for dentin creation; Nerves, vessels.
Bone-like tissue; Covers the roots; Chemical composition: 55% organic material; (mainly collagen); 45% inorganic material (mainly calcium salts);.
Central and lateral; One root; Chisle-shaped; Sharp; Function - cutting food.
Flat and thin; Closest to midline; Larger than lateral; No cusps, only ridges. Biting, cutting, shearing food; The support for lip shape; Certain sounds pronounciation (eg. ‘t’, ‘th’).
- Medicine Presentations
- MS PowerPoint 11642 KB
- 2019 m.
- English
- 64 pages (800 words)
- University
- Kristė