All documents (9)
Theodore nelson. Content. About Theodore Nelson What is hypertext and hypermedia. About theodore nelson. The founder of. "Computers, Creativity, and the Nature of the Written Word". January. Hypertext structure. Hypermedia structure. Literary ...
People, 14 pages
2022 05 14
O Krokovi a jeho dcerách. O Čechovi. O Bivoji. O Libuši. O Přemyslovi. O Přemyslovi. Libušina proroctví. Dívčí válka. O Křesomyslu a Horymírovi. Lucká válka. Durynk a Neklan. O králi Ječmínkovi. Praporec svatého Václava. O ...
Literature, 11 pages
2022 05 13
Biosféra. Základní charakteristika. Šířková a výšková zonálnost. Fytogeografické oblasti. Zoogeografické oblasti. Tropické. oblasti. Deštné. lesy. Tropické savany. Pouště tropů. a subtropů. Subtropické šířky. Lesy ...
Art, 18 pages
2022 05 13
Readers of fiction. Fiction refers to literature created from the imagination. Fiction genres can vary from fantasy to romance and even crime thrillers. In spite of this fact, 80 percent of fiction readers are women. Why is that? Explanations ...
Literature, 1 page
2022 05 13
We should use all the technology we have in order to prevent diseases in babies.
Technology, 1 page
2022 05 13
Constant oversee of the emotions makes the emotions to build up which can lead to some serious consequences. For instance, depression, anxiety and other mental illnesses. It is detrimental when using this method continuously.Turning to the ...
Psichology, 1 page
2022 05 13
Aluminum. Aluminum conducts heat and electricity well: Its electrical conductivity is approximately 2/3 that of copper. Aluminum is very plastic. It can be used to darken wire and roll foil. The application of aluminum is mainly due to its ...
Engineering, 2 pages
2022 05 13
How technology changed our lives? Substance. Life before technology. Technology in my life. How technology changed our lives? Self-driving cars. Future. Advantages of technology. Disadvantages of technology. Thank you for. your attention.
Technology, 11 pages
2022 05 13
So today I’m going to talk about shop assistants’ job, the decreasing percentage of wannabe shop assistants, what qualifications you need entering this job as a secondary school student.I have a chart with statistical data, which shows ...
Career, 1 page
2022 05 13
How Animated Movies Are Made. The animation pipeline. The Animation Pipeline consists. Pre-production (idea. Pre-production. The Idea. Modeling. Texturing. Post-production. Compositing.
Film & Television, 7 pages
2022 05 12
Artficial intelligence. What Is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Applications of Artificial Intelligence. Categorization of Artificial Intelligence. Weak artificial intelligence. Strong artificial intelligence. Special Considerations. Artificial ...
Software, 16 pages
2022 05 12
Prepared by. UAB „McDonald‘s. History. Was founded in the 1940 by Richard and Maurice McDonald. Mcdonald‘s brothers. Mascot. The original mascot of McDonald's was a chef hat on top of a hamburger. Types of restaurants. McDrive McCafé ...
Companies, 15 pages
2022 05 12
Vvi. Introducing Meta A Social Technology Company. The word Meta comes from the Greek language. Today at Connect 2021, CEO Mark Zuckerberg introduced Meta. Meta builds technologies that help people connect. Now let's talk about the most used ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 12 pages
2022 05 12
Nowadays we all use technologies to make our lives easier. We often use that for communicating with people far away from us or we use internet to shop online. But We often may not even understand, how much time we spend on social media. Many ...
Social Media, 1 page
2022 05 12
Today I was given a topic about studies. The provided bar chart illustrates the number of male students who were studying STEM courses at Lithuania’s universities every two years from 2012 to 2018. Overall, there is a noticeable contrast ...
Education, 1 page
2022 05 12
Mass timber. What is mass timber? What is mass timber construction? What is tall wood construction? Mjøstårnet. Components and systems of mass timber and taller wood construction. Clt. Environmentally friendly CLT. Types of mass timber framing ...
Real Estate, 9 pages
2022 05 12
Nowadays e-books became more popular than printed ones, but people splits into two teams when we start talk about e-books and printed, which one is better to us, and which one has more disadvantages than another one.The main advantage of ...
Languages, 1 page
2022 05 12
Facts About Greek Language. The language is spoken by at least 13 million people today in Greece. Greek language is devided into old, midle and new languages. The new greek language is about 500 years old. Old Greek language in Lithuanian ...
Languages, 13 pages
2022 05 12
Global warming. What is global warming? What causes global warming? Why is it important to stop global warming? But. How to prevent? Is there a way to a solution? Who should deal with global warming? Governments or individuals? The governments ...
Environment, 9 pages
2022 05 12
Project is made by Vesta skučaitė 8d.Eduardo and Raquel Ocampo . Builders and designers of ,, The shell house.On this wonderful journey, you will see breathtaking views, gonna swim in Caribbean water, and be located minutes from ...
Travel, 6 pages
2022 05 12
Hi Max, I am happy to hear that you've been invited to go sailing with your pals and rest assured, everyone has their own phobias. While I'm not afraid of the sea my brother dreads it. He'd always try to make excuses to not get onto a boat! But ...
Health & Nutrition, 1 page
2022 05 12
Writing letters is a better way of keeping in touch with family and friends overseas than writing emails or using social networking site.
Culture, 1 page
2022 05 12
Does a person’s handwriting reveal their personality?
Education, 1 page
2022 05 12
So my topic for today is music. Music is very important part of our lifes as it can transform our emotions and feelings, lessen the stress, pain, struggle, it can be a distraction or bring positivity and calmness in our daily life. Music holds ...
Music, 1 page
2022 05 12
Official letter about the volunteering programme at the London library.
Sociology, 1 page
2022 05 11
For/against essay the advantages and disadvantages of always being in contact.
Mobile, 1 page
2022 05 11
The possibility of genetic modification on embryos has caused a lot of controversies. Some believe that it is immoral and we have to appreciate the value of human difference, others have a strong opinion that it has to be a big part of our ...
Biology, 2 pages
2022 05 11
Institutul de cercetare Și inovare. Universitatea de stat din moldova. Autor Conducator sriintific Bradu Margareta. Actualitatea cercetării. Institutul de cercetare Și inovare facultatea. Scopul lucrării. Scop, obiective şi metode. Teoria ...
Economy & Finance, 12 pages
2022 05 11
Marketing. curs. Ce este prețul? Influența mediului tehnologic asupra stabilirii preȚurilor. Factori interni care influenȚeazĂ preȚul. Strategia mixului de marketing. Costurile. Considerentele organizaționale. Factori externi care ...
Economy & Finance, 35 pages
2022 05 11
The Car of the Future. Car technology of the future. Virtual door mirrors. Digital rear-view mirror. Under-car cameras. Intelligent headlights. Intelligent glass. D displays and augmented reality. Adaptive wheels. Thanks for your attention.
Transport, 12 pages
2022 05 11