All documents (64)
Automotive Industry Introduction. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis. Bargaining Power of Suppliers. Bargaining Power of Customers. Rivalry between Existing Players. Threat of Substitutes. Threat of New Entrants. Political and legal factors.
Transport, 3 pages
2020 06 07
Unicef. Purpose of this organisation. Established 1946 December. Missions. To protect children. Source of income. Accomplishments. - USA and Canada finally agreed on financially supporting Unicef. Unicef in Lithuania. Unicef Lithuania is one out ...
Sociology, 9 pages
2020 06 07
La nación tiene como definción comunidad de personas que poseen un mismo origen étnico, es decir, que vienen del mismo lugar. Entre estos comparten historia, cultura, lenguaje y/o religión. También estas comunidades tienen control sobre ...
Culture, 3 pages
2020 05 27
Presentación de PowerPoint. Gliederung. Gewerkschaft. Aufgaben der Gewerkschaften. Gelbe Gewerkschaften. (Industrielle Revolution/Soziale Frage/Arbeiterbewegung(Industrielle Revolution/Soziale Frage/ArbeiterbewegungParteien, Gewerkschaften und ...
History, 19 pages
2020 05 09
Philosopher king/queen in Plato’s Republic.
Philosophy, 1 page
2020 05 04
So today I'm going to talk about interest in sports. Sports are one of the essential parts of a person's life. Clearly, sports are a fun activity but they offer several health benefits too. Sports help enhance your personality. They are a good ...
Sports & Fitness, 1 page
2020 05 04
Introduction. Theoretical framework. Literature review. Students’ payment preferences under certain circumstances. Social costs. Location. Motives behind choosing the payment type. Privacy. Convenience. Hypothesis. Research design. Dependent ...
Economy & Finance, 42 pages
2020 05 04
“The essence of a person in all areas of his personality's life must be decisive. It needs to spread more. This would be the most essential embodiment of the meaning of human life. As a child of men, every human being is called by his life to ...
Lifestyle, 2 pages
2020 05 04
Graffiti – a form of street art or a public offense.
Art, 1 page
2020 05 03
Tourism is a fast growing industry Is this a positive or negative development of the country?
Travel, 1 page
2020 05 03
Online investigation. There are many companies that promote products promising amazing results but sometimes the ads are weird and deceptive.
Marketing, 1 page
2020 05 03
The main assumptions of The European Plan for Aviation Safety. What is the European Plan for Aviation Safety. Systemic Issues. Among the systemic. Operational Issues. The operational issues. These scenarios represent. Emerging Issues. Actions to ...
Transport, 8 pages
2020 05 03
Introduction. Terms of shipment. Incoterms. Main incoterms responsibilities and obligations. Advantages of using Incoterms. Disadvantages of using Incoterms. The rules of the incoterms. Rules for any mode or modes of transport. Rules for sea and ...
Logistics, 15 pages
2020 05 03
Chapters I - Chapter i purposes and principles. Chapter I sets forth the purposes and principles of the United Nations. Principles the organization is. Chapter ii membership. Article 3 The original. Chapter III Organs. Article 7 There are. ...
Politics, 14 pages
2020 05 02
Survey. Which is better to own a house/ flat or to rent it? Live in a queit residential neighbourhood or in a town/ city centre? Which would you prefer live in a flat or a detached house? What are pluses and minuses of living in a large city? ...
Lifestyle, 11 pages
2020 05 02
My name is My name means a lot of happiness. I am from Lithuania and live in Beržėnai. I can speak four languages: Lithuanian, Russian, German and little bit English. I was born in Šiauliai, on the first of July. I am 16 years old and 1.67 ...
People, 2 pages
2020 05 02
I am writting you this letter about current situation we haven‘t had heating and hot water for some time. Your workmen has tried fix the problem, but no success.The reason for this letter to tell you I am not happy about it. I would like ...
Languages, 3 pages
2020 05 02
Marks & Spencer innovation - from organic and recycled materials made suit. Is it possible to make the costume of processed and raw materials used. This product has. British department store. Mark Šumná, sustainable raw materials expert M & S ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 8 pages
2020 05 01
Passive. causative passive. Šnekamojoje kalboje vietoje “Be” dažnai vartojamas “Get”. By/with. Su žodžiais “Give, offer, tell, etc. ”. Passive gali būti dviejų rūšių. Prielinksnis eina iškart po veiksmaž. accuse of, speak ...
Languages, 18 pages
2020 05 01
I discovered strong devotion for human behavior and psychology only after long path of self – analysis. It started when as 12 years old kid I started to ask myself ‘What am I living for’ and to answer this question I was ready to do my ...
Languages, 2 pages
2020 05 01
Emu ostrich. The emu is the second-largest living bird by height. It is endemic. He emu's range covers most of mainland Australia. The bird is. Emus are soft-feathered, brown. Emus can travel great distances. They drink infrequently, but take in ...
Biology, 10 pages
2020 05 01
Earthquake. An earthquake is. What is an earthquake? There are three. Earthquake fault types. Size and frequency of occurrence. It is estimated. May 1960 – Chile 2. 28 March 1964 – Prince William Sound. The 10 most powerful recorded ...
Geography, 11 pages
2020 04 30
By Dorota L. Drunk Driving. Drunk Driving is. What is Drunk Driving? Why do people still drink and drive? They believe they’re less drunk than they actually are. Drinking too much. How Alcohol Affects the Brain? Some stats. Effects of Driving ...
Transport, 10 pages
2020 04 30
Schweizer Alpen regionen. Schweizer Alpen. Die Schweiz grenzt im Norden an Deutschland. Entdecke die. Traditionelle Einteilung. Im Geist der. Sommerurlaub in der Schweiz. Der Sommer zeigt erst so richtig die vielen Gesichter der Schweiz. Wandern. ...
Geography, 9 pages
2020 04 30
Osterferien in Litauen. In Litauen können. Ostern war und ist mit der Wiedergeburt der Natur verbunden. Die Geister wachen zu Ostern auf. In der Antike glaubte man, dass Geister zum ersten Donner wanderten. Eiersymbolik. Zu Ostern wurden. ...
Etnology, 10 pages
2020 04 30
People are losing face-to-face communication What impact might this have on human relationships?
Psichology, 1 page
2020 04 30
In today's modern world education is one of the most important thingsBecause if you want to be someone you have to have good education.The current state of the world is forcing schools to teach remotely.And in my opinion, it's really is a bad ...
Education, 1 page
2020 04 30
Our world. Things that human couldn‘t live without. Bees. For some people, bees are simply an annoyance. Phone. Know this is a very #firstworldproblems kind of necessity. A good night’s sleep. Work hard and. Pen and paper. Successful people ...
Biology, 8 pages
2020 04 30
Amazing facts about human body. Ruscico gimnazija. The human body is the structure of a human being. Facts. It’s possible to brush your teeth too aggressively. Wisdom teeth serve no. Your tongue is made up of eight interwoven muscles. ...
Biology, 13 pages
2020 04 30