All documents (59)

6900 documents
Slides about Smart home
Smart home. What is smart home. How does it works. Why smart home the benefits. Why Smart Home Comfort/Ease of Control. Why Smart Home Entertainment. Why Smart Home Security. Why Smart Home Health. Conclusion.
Languages, 9 pages
2020 06 10
Niche tourism slides
Niche tourism. What is niche tourism? What potential is there for niche tourism in my local area? Medical and wellness tourism. Medical tourism in india. Cultural tourism. Cultural tourism in lithuania.
Travel, 7 pages
2020 06 10
Essay: What makes a good book?
 Today I am going to discuss what makes a good book. There was a survey called “What makes a good book?” where people had to choose between 4 different options and they were allowed to choose more than one answer. The results showed that 80% ...
Literature, 1 page
2020 06 10
Slides about Iceland
Iceland. Is an island in the Atlantic Ocean. Midnight sun and warmer temperatures make summer the best season to visit Iceland. Enjoy Natural Treatments. Go Ice Caving  Ice. Reykjavik. Iceland’s capital and largest city You'll find many ...
Geography, 11 pages
2020 06 10
Essay: How reliable are experiments in psychology?
How reliable are experiments in psychology?
Psichology, 1 page
2020 06 10
Slides about Bank service
Contents. Introduction bank service payment cards loan pension insurance online. Introduction. Increasingly fast competition between banks encourages the rapid introduction of new banking products. Bank service. Providing financial services, ...
Economy & Finance, 20 pages
2020 06 10
Smart Materials is a prime
Smart Materials. A Primer. The purpose of this report. The purpose of this report is to expand my knowledge about smart materials. Introduction. The need. Piezoelectric. These are materials (mainly crystals) that produce electric voltage when ...
Physics, 13 pages
2020 06 10
My dream car project
My dream car. Contents. Introduction History Engine Transmission Interior Other characteristics Conclusion. Bugatti chiron. Introduction. The chiron is. Fastest car in. History. The chiron bears. Engine. A W16 engine. Transmission. Before the ...
Transport, 12 pages
2020 06 10
Slides about Airbags
Airbag. Since. Why airbags are so important? Statistics show that. How airbags work? The bag itself is made. Airbag injuries. Originally the airbag was a device developed for our safety and protection. Thank you for attention.
Transport, 7 pages
2020 06 10
Gap year slides
Gap year. Gep year” What is it? Gap year comes from Western Europe and it also gained popularity there. Aims. Experience a different. Activities. Travel – explore the world, discover new cultures. Possibilities. A gap year. Benefits. You ...
Lifestyle, 8 pages
2020 06 10
Alberto Giacometti presentation
Alberto Giacometti. Who was he? Giacometti‘s art style. Around 1935 he. The art. Drawings and paintings. “Portrait de Diego,”Black crayon on paper. “Tête d'homme,”Pen on paper. “Seated Man” 1901-Oil paint on canvas. “Portrait of ...
Art, 30 pages
2020 06 09
The best way of learning foreign languages essay
The best way of learning foreign languages essay.
Education, 1 page
2020 06 09
Solutions to global warming
Solutions to global warming. Global warming is. What is global warming? Warmer atmosphere and. Some effects of global warming. Eat more meat-free meals (meat is responsible for around 18% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Some simple everyday ...
Environment, 7 pages
2020 06 09
Import/export procedures and documentation
Import/export procedures and documentation. Export. Procedure exporter has to. Types of Export. Physical Export If goods physically go out of the country. Export documents. Shipper’s export declaration. Commercial invoice. It is used. Bill of ...
Economy & Finance, 16 pages
2020 06 09
Secrets of body language
Secrets of body language. Presentation done by. International gestures. Thumbs up. Eye contact. Too much contact dominance, lack of respect. Palms. Palms facing upwards. Hand shakes. The bone - crusher. Legs and body posture. Neutral, opened, ...
Psichology, 9 pages
2020 06 09
Differences between growing up as only child and with siblings
Differences between growing up as only child and with siblings.
Education, 1 page
2020 06 09
Monologue about animals
These days more and more animals become endangered or even go extinct because of the way our society works. Evereyone is focused on financial gain and their own wellbeing that they do things that harm other creatures living on this planet with ...
Biology, 1 page
2020 06 09
Ease of doing business ranking
Ease of doing business ranking. Kas yra “Doing business”? Tyrimas „Doing Business“– tai verslo aplinkos vertinimas pagal Pasaulio banko apibrėžtą metodiką ir scenarijus. Doing Business“ ataskaitoje. Pasaulio bankas tyrimą ...
Economy & Finance, 11 pages
2020 06 09
Gustave Dore essay
Gustave Dore, in full Paul-Gustave Dore, French printmaker, one of the most prolific and successful book illustrators of the late 19th century, whose exuberant and bizarre fantasy created vast dreamlike scenes widely emulated ...
Art, 2 pages
2020 06 09
Slides on Steve Jobs biography
Early life. Born on February 24th, 1955 in San Francisco. Founding of Apple. S Wozniak. The return. After having to leave his company in 1985 S. Mac OS X, iPod, MacBook Pro,Iphone and Ipad. In March. Steve Jobs’ Death and Last Words. Jobs died ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 8 pages
2020 06 09
France slides
France. Rusnė Mockevičiūtė. Population. The current population of France is 65,257,613 People. Languages. Everyone speaks French, English, German, Italian or Polish. Geographic location. From southwest to northeast, France shares borders with ...
Geography, 8 pages
2020 06 09
How to improve writing bullet points
Read the text below. Discuss in group: What is the background for this presentation? Who might be interested in it? Who is the presenter? Who are the audience?Today’s audience members interact with phones, instant messaging, blogs, and ...
Languages, 2 pages
2020 06 09
Studying online essay
Firstly studying on the internet is very convenient. It can be done anywhere and anytime, you just need to have a computer or a phone. There are many websites that allow you to study online, but they all are not as good as others. However ...
Education, 1 page
2020 06 09
Slides on Cuba
Cuba. By Joseph DiRaffaele Period. Bahamas, Haiti,Honduras, Jamaica. History Of Cuba. Colonial Rule. Cuba’s Flag. Red-Bravery and strength Blue-Loyalty, perseverance and truth White- Peace and harmony. Cuba’s National Anthem. Cuba’s ...
Geography, 14 pages
2020 06 09
Environmental issues are harmful effects of human activity on the biophysical environment
Environmental issues are harmful effects of human activity on the biophysical environment.
Environment, 1 page
2020 06 09
Modern marvels or new nasties
How would you cope without modern gadgets? What would you do if you didn‘t have your mobile phone?With new games consoles, you have to move around in front of the Tv to control the action on-screen. Doctors warn that a long playing can ...
Technology, 4 pages
2020 06 09
Slides on Coronavirus Covid-19
COVID-19. How to deal with stress and anxiety. Prevention. Get rid of Stress and Anxiety. What causes stress and anxiety. What do stress and anxiety feel like? What do stress and anxiety feel like during quarantine. Managing everyday stress and ...
Medicine, 27 pages
2020 06 09
Slides on Rainforests
Rainforests. Where are rainforests located? What are rainforests? Deforestation. Facts on rainforests. What would happen if rainforests disappeared? Rainforest animals. Why are rainforests important? Why are rainforest being destroyed? How can we ...
Geography, 15 pages
2020 06 09
There are a lot of advantages of using technologies in the learning process essay
There are a lot of advantages of using technologies in the learning process essay.
Education, 1 page
2020 06 09
Monologue about pollution
Pollution disturbs the balance of our ecosystems, affect our normal lifestyles and gives rise to human illnesses and global warming. With the development of science and technology, there has been a huge growth of human potentials. So, it is very ...
Environment, 1 page
2020 06 09