All documents (55)

6900 documents
Value Chain Analysis
Support activities. Firm infrastructure. Organisational structure. Strategy. Human resource management. Culture. Management styles. Staff turnover. Motivation. Communication. Technology development. IT systems. Techonology in relation to ...
Logistics, 21 page
2020 09 22
Dialogue phrases example
Start the conversations. Move to the topic. Set the goal. Interupt to take turns. Ask for opinion. Change the subject. List one by one.
Languages, 4 pages
2020 09 22
Pollution is one of the biggest problems essay
Pollution is one of the biggest problems we humans are facing today. Air, water, noise, soil pollution are some of the major types of pollution at the moment.Today smoke emitted by vehicles and factories is polluting the air. As a result, ...
Environment, 2 pages
2020 09 22
Overweight Teens slides
Overweight Teens. Why Are Some People Overweight? Being overweight usually results from an "Energy imbalance. Poor eating habits can help make teens overweight. Food pyramid. A food pyramid is not a good idea. Can Being Overweight Harm My Health? ...
Biology, 8 pages
2020 09 22
Presentation slides about Ted Talk: The Psychology of Self-motivation by Scott Geller
Ted Talk The Psychology of Self-motivation by Scott Geller. Ted Talk summary. If someone wants to be self-motivated, they need to answer these 3 questions. You also need to know the four C words that fuels self-motivation.
Self Improvement, 9 pages
2020 09 22
Test: Cumulative Vocabulary and Grammar Test Units 1–5 Test A
Circle the correct words to complete the sentences. Generosity / laziness / prosperity. Stubborn / modest / assertive. Trim / plump / handsome. Sportsmanship / commitment / self esteem. Devastated / contaminated / evacuated. Theft / offence / ...
Languages, 5 pages
2020 09 22
Slides: History of chocolate
History of chocolate. Why I choose chocolate? How it all started. Fun facts. How chocolate changed people and places? Positivities and negativities of chocolate. Revolution of chocolate. Video. Conclusion. Thank you for your attention!
Languages, 10 pages
2020 09 22
Essay: Unhealthy lifestyle
What are the most important factors of a healthy lifestyle for teenagers.
Health & Nutrition, 2 pages
2020 09 22
School uniforms should be compulsary essay
My opinion is that School Uniforms should be compulsory for all students at primary and secondary level. There are many reasons, which justify this including discipline, discrimination and to give the students a sense of identity. If all students ...
Education, 1 page
2020 09 22
Job interview interpretation
Good morning everyone. It’s nice to see you all here today. I am here today to inform you about interviewing for success. My speech will have 3 parts. Firstly, I’ll inform you about the warm – up stage. Secondly, I’ll tell you about the ...
Career, 2 pages
2020 09 22
Bonds slides
Bonds. Content. What does ‘bond’ mean? The features of bonds Issuers divided into. A bond is. The features of bonds. Maturity. Maturity indicates the life of the bond. Supranationals - for example, the World Bank and European Development ...
Economy & Finance, 9 pages
2020 09 22
Slides about Remembrance day
Remembrance day. What is Remembrance day? Why do we hold a two-minutes silence? Why do people wear poppies? Video link. How can people celebrate Remembrance day? Charity. Sources. Thanks for attention.
Culture, 9 pages
2020 09 22
The effects of COVID-19 on Travel and Hospitality Industry
Introduction. Industry Overview. Literature review. General impact on Travel & Tourism sector. Impact on the Hospitality industry. Findings and further business opportunities. Conclusions. References. Appendices.
Travel, 17 pages
2020 09 22
Letter about continuation of the programmes of the study
Letter about continuation of the programmes of the study.
Education, 1 page
2020 09 22
Facial recognition system
Facial recognition system ​. Breach of privacy. Vulnerability in recognition. Massive data storage.
Law, 3 pages
2020 09 22
Elizabeth I biography
Elizabeth Elizabeth‘s biography. Elizabeth Some interseting facts about her. Some interesting facts about her. Her look. Some interesting facts about her. Virginia. Elizabeth‘s i most importantachievements. Elizabth‘s i most important ...
People, 15 pages
2020 09 22
School leavers essay
First of all, school-leavers have a huge advantage of abusing their online powers against teachers since atleast in our school there aren’t a lot of teachers that know a lot about technology and it is very easy to trick them in to thinking that ...
Education, 1 page
2020 09 22
Ship agency: ship RIX AMETHYST
Ship ‚rix amethyst‘ and her data. Companys’ requisites. Ship‘s ‘rix amethyst’ cargo comparative weight. A. ship’s ‘rix amethyst’ route. B. Cargo discharge and loading places in Klaipeda Port. Fixing note. Proforma invoice. Crew ...
Transport, 40 pages
2020 09 22
Pros and Cons of virtual learning essay
As the current situation in the world forces everyone to change their lifestyle, education system and other learning environments was not excluded. It was a challenge for everyone to trasfer learning to online enviroment as well not to damadge ...
Education, 1 page
2020 09 22
Persuasive Speech: Analysis of Racial Stereotyping
Persuasive Speech: Analysis of Racial Stereotyping.
Languages, 4 pages
2020 09 22
Business competition
Competition. Made by. Business competition is. Positive business competition. To advertise a competitor’s site disaster prevention. Learning from competitors. Study their websites, how they run their company. Healthy competition. Benefit and ...
Economy & Finance, 9 pages
2020 09 22
Aerogels description
Aerogels are solid, rigid, and dry materials that do not resemble a gel in their physical properties: the name comes from the fact that they are made from gels. Despite the fact that aerogels are among the lightest solid materials known to man, ...
Chemistry, 2 pages
2020 09 22
Slides about Music in my life
Music. Music is a. Music in my life. Can’t live. ’s pop music. Like this genre because it‘s like a journey back to the old times. ’s fashion. 's fashion was. RAP/hip hop. Rapping is a musical form of vocal delivery that incorporates ...
Music, 7 pages
2020 08 27
Essay: What are arguments for and against homework?
What are arguments for and against homework?
Education, 1 page
2020 08 27
Slides about Liver
Liver. Content. Purpose Definition Main functions Diseases Causes Symptoms Health. Purpose. Presentation aims to present liver definition. The liver is. Main functions are. Vitamin and mineral storage The liver stores vitamins A, D. Diseases. ...
Medicine, 16 pages
2020 08 26
Breastfeeding slides
Breastfeeding. Presentation aim. Definition. Anatomy of breast. Physiology of breast. Breastfeeding problems. Benefits of breastfeeding for the mother. Benefits breastfeeding for baby. Many regions have made gains in exclusive breastfeeding. ...
Medicine, 21 page
2020 08 26
Was ist für die Schüler wichtiger, um sich in der Schule zu entwickeln: Kooperation oder Wettbewerb?
Was ist für die Schüler wichtiger, um sich in der Schule zu entwickeln Kooperation oder Wettbewerb?
Literature, 1 page
2020 08 11
Das Thema des Sinns des Lebens in der litauischen Literatur B. Sruoga und andere
Das Thema des Sinns des Lebens in der litauischen Literatur B. Sruoga und andere.
Literature, 2 pages
2020 08 11
Slides PPT: How to save our planet?
How to save our planet. First of all we need to understand how we got to this point. Secondlly we have to bring blance with nature. 8,3 billions tons of PLASTIC has been produced since. Information sources.
Environment, 6 pages
2020 08 03
Etanasia essay
La palabra eutanasia se deriva del griego eu (bueno) y thanatos (muerte), por lo que, de esta manera, esta palabra hace referencia al acto de terminar con la vida de otra persona, a petición suya, con el único fin de terminar y/o minimizar el ...
Philosophy, 2 pages
2020 08 01