All documents (26)

6900 documents
Einführung in die Buchhaltung im Selbststudium
Einführung in die Buchhaltung im Selbststudium Einführung Die vier Grundfragen des Rechnungswesens. Begriff und Funktion der Finanzbuchhaltung Begriff. Funktionen der Buchhaltung. Buchführungspflicht Unternehmensgesetzbuch UGB und ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 39 pages
2021 10 29
Marketing research for business
Introduction to this section. Assessment information for this section. Types of marketing research. Activity 2B. Questionnaire design. Activity 2b. Sampling. Activity 2b. Scope of a marketing research project. Summary of this section. Activity ...
Marketing, 29 pages
2021 10 29
Dwayne The Rock Johnson
Dwayne »The Rock« Johnson.Personal life.Early career.Acting career (Early years. 2010s and mainstream success.Producing.Legacy and career assessment.Other work. Glossary.
People, 4 pages
2021 10 20
My summary about lecture
Owerall, it can be clearly understood from the lecture that, since almost all the information and results are uploaded to the Website , students should learn how to use and work with it, and required to check it regularly not to miss any thing. ...
Education, 1 page
2021 10 19
Friends or family, which is more important?
Friends or family, which is more important?.
Relationships & Parenting, 1 page
2021 10 13
Addiction essay
The author is saying that the reason people are getting addicted it that so they can cope with their dislocation. The author also argues that the Environment plays a huge role on a person’s addiction. For example, In situations where Indians ...
Psichology, 2 pages
2021 10 12
Erfolgsaufsatz: Erfolg besteht aus drei Komponenten: Leidenschaft, harter Arbeit und dem unbeirrbaren Glauben an die Zielerreichung
Erfolgsaufsatz: Erfolg besteht aus drei Komponenten: Leidenschaft, harter Arbeit und dem unbeirrbaren Glauben an die Zielerreichung.
Self Improvement, 1 page
2021 10 10
Recommendation letter example
It is with great pleasure that I write this recommendation for X to support his application for the exchange program. I’ve known him as my student from Marketing class at Caucasus University. Throughout the semester I’ve worked with him, X ...
Career, 1 page
2021 10 10
Study Guide - To Kill A Mockingbird
Scout and Jem’s mother died when they were young and small children. They were raised by Atticus (Atticus is their father) and raised by their family’s cock Calpurnia. Calpurnia was like a mother to them.So, Boo has never came out of ...
Literature, 2 pages
2021 10 06
Interpretation der Kurzgeschichte Ich bin ein Kumpel
Interpretation der Kurzgeschichte Ich bin ein Kumpel.
Education, 2 pages
2021 10 05
American Studies
American Studies. America as place. Greece was education. Following World War II and during the Cold War. American Studies? American Studies is. How to run (conduct) American Studies [?]. Maintain non-American as well as American courses ...
Philosophy, 10 pages
2021 10 05
Chemick vazba
Chemická vazba. Vazba kovalentní. Vazebná energie chem. VAZBY. Disociační energie vazby. Překrytí valenčních orbitalů. VAZBY. Základní a vzbuzený stav atomu. Překryv orbitalů a vznik. Tvary molekul. Elektronegativita. Vliv ...
Chemistry, 7 pages
2021 09 30
Jaunākā literatūra bērniem un jauniešiem
Jaunākā literatūra bērniem un jauniešiem. KLASE Literatūra Jaunākā literatūrā bērniem un jauniešiem. Grāmatas nosaukums Autors Grāmatas vāka attēls Anotācija vai tās fragments Kas mani piesaistīja grāmatā. “ Ozola grāmata ...
Education, 6 pages
2021 09 29
Reading in Philippine History
Reading in Philippine History. Lesson Summary. Lesson proper. What is the controversy of the First Mass? When was the first Catholic Mass celebrated? Where does the first Mass held? Week 2 Lesson 2 Content and Contextual Analysis of Selected ...
History, 8 pages
2021 09 27
Motivational letter - Applying for a job
You are applying for a job and need a letter of reference. Write a letter to a former teacher. In your letter.
Career, 1 page
2021 09 20
Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata
Keiko Furukura - she doesn't know how to behave unless she has instructions on how to do it, for example, one time in primary school, her classmates were fighting and the others were yelling to stop the commotion, so Keiko decided to get a shovel ...
Literature, 2 pages
2021 09 20
Meiner Meinung nach mode
Meiner Meinung nach, weil alle jungen Leute mit der Mode Schritt halten wollen. Weil immer mehr neue Mode immer schöner und exklusiver wird. Zum Beispiel ziehen sich meine Freunde und ich immer wieder so an, wie sie es derzeit sind. Deshalb ...
Fashion, 1 page
2021 09 20
Letter for a magazine
I really enjoyed reading your article about our outlook to appearance. As I am a pupil, I notice that a lot of students, especially girls, complex due to their appearance, so I totally support the idea that nowadays people are just too image- ...
Fashion, 1 page
2021 09 20
Culture shock: India slides
Culture shock. India. Geography of India. The lotus, Mango, Bengal tiger. Industry in India. Demographics of India. Religion in India. Culture of India. Food. Architecture of India. Interesting facts. Thanks for watching!
Culture, 12 pages
2021 09 20
IT specialist Motivational letter example
I am a second-year student at the Gediminas Technical University in Vilnius. I am studying information systems. With this motivation letter I would like to express my interest in doing a traineeship as an IT specialist assistant at “Dac Davids ...
Career, 1 page
2021 09 20
Essay on smoking: Smoking should be banned in all public places
Smoking should be banned in all public places.
Health & Nutrition, 2 pages
2021 09 20
Many examinations are now computer - based essay
Many examinations are now computer - based, essay.
Technology, 1 page
2021 09 20
Journey to Italy presentation
Journey to Italy. Journey plan Cities whitch I visited Touristic places Italian meals. Content. Journey plan. Rome Florence Pisa Naples. Cities whitch I visited. Trevi fountain in Rome. Touristic places. Pisa tower in Pisa City. Pantheon in Rome. ...
Travel, 12 pages
2021 09 20
The range of professions: the most imposing and least attractive
The range of professions: the most imposing and least attractive.
Career, 1 page
2021 09 20
Home Remedies slides
Home Remedies. Overview. Turmeric for pain and inflammation. Ginger for pain and nausea. Lavender for migraine and anxiety. Mint for muscle pain and digestion. Fenugreek for breastfeeding. Shiitake mushrooms. Eucalyptus oil for pain relief. ...
Medicine, 12 pages
2021 09 20
Monologue: optimist or pessimist?
Hello, today I am going to talk about optimist and pessimist. First of all, I would like to introduce for you optimistic and pessimistic world view. Optimist always sees what ‘s good, half full glass, on the other hand, pessimist would see what ...
Psichology, 1 page
2021 09 20
External Memory Devices essay
Modern external memory devices. External Hard Drive. Flash Drive. Memory Card. Modern external memory devices comparison. Old external memory devices comparison. External memory devices comparison.
Devices & Hardware, 8 pages
2021 09 20
A book review: Russell Baker „Growing Up“
Russell Baker „Growing Up“ A book review.
Literature, 2 pages
2021 09 20
Essay about friendship: The Essential Truths of Friendship
So the video was about friendships and how to find new friends. Catherine which co-founded myYearbook knows a lot about friends and friendships. So in the video, she was comparing online conversations through Facebook and conversations in person. ...
Lifestyle, 1 page
2021 09 20
Class assignment: Analysis of International News
Summary of the video. Printing press , telegraph telephone , photograph films videos , images , recorded sounds , and lastly radio television. Which social media do you use the most. What are the major changes brought about by Internet and social ...
Culture, 3 pages
2021 09 20