All documents (23)

6900 documents
Topic about films
Today I’m going to be covering the topic of films. I’ll be presenting a line graph and answering some questions. This graph shows the change year by year of cinema-goers that enjoy American Films. The y axis shows the percent of people who ...
Film & Television, 1 page
2022 03 31
Book review: Lost treasure essay
It was a day like any other and Mark Philips was doing his normal round as a museum cleaner. He was working like any day, cleaning statues of museum. But that day he saw an envelope that probably one of the visitors lost in museum. There was ...
Literature, 1 page
2022 03 31
Slides about Obesity
Obesity. Do you think obesity is a big problem in the world? What are we going to cover. What is obesity? Bmi. Most common causes of obesity. Certain diseases and medications. Complications of obesity. Diagnosis. Treatment. Poll. Top 10 Most ...
Biology, 16 pages
2022 03 31
Slides about Fast food
Fast food. What is fast food? First fast food restaurant. Some popular food restaurants. Types of fast food. How often in week people eat fast - food. Why do people buy fast food? Advantages and disadvantages. Effects off unhealthly fast food. ...
Health & Nutrition, 10 pages
2022 03 31
Calendar holidays essay
So, today I’m going to talk about calendar holidays. I’ll be presenting a pie chart which is based on a survey covering what is the most important calendar holiday. There are 4 holidays total on this pie chart – Christmas, New Year’s Eve, ...
Recreation, 1 page
2022 03 31
Higher education essay
I’m going to talk about higher education. I’ll be presenting a bar chart on the survey which examines what people need to do to apply for higher education. The y axis show things people do to apply for further education and the x-axis ...
Education, 1 page
2022 03 31
Factorising presentation
Year 8 Factorising.Kingston. Sch. UkLast modified 18th February. Objectives Be able to factorise a single term out of a bracket. What does the. Factors of. Factorising means To turn an expression into a product of factors. Common factor. ...
Mathematics, 12 pages
2022 03 30
A Classification of Market Research Designs
Examples of this type of research are. Open Ended Questions. This highlights trends and opinion for further research. Example of this. Conclusive Research Design. Malhotra and Birks 2000. An example of this would be. Understand which variables ...
Marketing, 4 pages
2022 03 30
Homelessness and poverty essay
The number of individuals being affected by poverty has accelerated in recent years. Even though the problem has been present for ages, nowadays it significantly increased. What are the reasons for this? How can we avert it? In this essay, I will ...
Sociology, 1 page
2022 03 17
Fútbol club de Barcelona presentación
Fútbol club de Barcelona. The Main Ideas. Introduction. A little bit of history. Vision. Camp Nou Stadium. The best players in the club’s history. Coaches. Barcelona is more than just a club. The End.
Sports & Fitness, 15 pages
2022 03 16
Planning - Gerald Characterisation
How does Priestley present Gerald Croft as a character who learns important lessons about himself and society? Capitalism Vs Socialism. Patriarchy. Class. Generational Divide. Written Response.
Literature, 3 pages
2022 03 14
Alt und Jung unter einem Dach
In dem Text Alt und Jung unter einem Dach, der von Tobias Becker verfasst wurde und in der Morgensport-Zeitung veröffentlicht wird. Alt und Jung unter einem Dach.Der Text handelt von einer Gruppe älterer Deutscher, denen Wohnraum zur ...
Social Media, 1 page
2022 03 10
Archimedes presentatie
Archimedes. Leben. Archimedes war ein griechischer Mathematiker. Archimedes produzierte eine große Menge an Arbeit in Mathe. Das Archimedische Prinzip vom Auftrieb. Seine bekannteste Entdeckung, nämlich die des Auftriebs. Das Archimedische ...
Physics, 9 pages
2022 03 07
Aids presentatie
Aids. Was ist aids ? Erworbenes Immunschwächesyndrom. Was ist das hi-virus ? Das Humane Immundefizienz-Virus schwächt das Immunsystem. Geschichte. Entdeckt wurde das. Übertragung. Die Krankheit wird von Person zu Person übertragen. Durch ...
Medicine, 12 pages
2022 03 07
Studie zur digitalen Kompetenz – deutsche Schüler nur Durchschnitt
Studie zur digitalen Kompetenz – deutsche Schüler nur Durchschnitt. Große Skepsis der Lehrkräfte. Debatte um Chancen und Risiken. Fächerübergreifende Schlüsselkompetenz.
Technology, 2 pages
2022 03 07
English Project 3 unit 4 test
TEST Date ________ Name ___________________________ Complete the sentences with the , a or an. Complete sentences with the or. Write down words in the correct order. Write words under correct heading. Circle the correct word. Theatre / statue. ...
Languages, 2 pages
2022 03 01
New Zealand Culture Quiz
New Zealand Culture Quiz. What is the capital of New Zealand? What is New Zealand’s national anthem? What is the national sport of New Zealand? What is the nickname of the New Zealand national rugby team? What is the. What animal will you NOT ...
Culture, 22 pages
2022 02 28
Tulipmania of the Dutch Golden Age
Before 1593 the Dutch didn’t know of a flower called “tulip” but in 1630s the Dutch were willing to give their houses for a couple of tulip bulbs. So how did the price of a tulip increase to a point where people sold their houses and much ...
Economy & Finance, 1 page
2022 02 27
Бизнес идея презентация
Бизнес идея. Фирма за доставки с тир. Капитал. Начален капитал. Източници на приходи. Нашата фирма ще. По-голямата част от. Реклама. ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 6 pages
2022 02 23
Австралия презентация
 Австралия. От Ервин, Петър, Нина и Роза-Мария. Разположение. Австралия е разположена в Южното полукълбол и е единствената държава ...
Geography, 13 pages
2022 02 23
Përdorimi i shifrave dhe statistikave
Leksioni x. Përdorimi i shifrave dhe statistikave. I. HYRJE. Proporcioni. Vlera në përqindje dhe ato mesatare. Për kronikat ka dy mundësi. Plotshmëria si problem. Rreziqet dhe probabilitetet. Përkthimi i statistikave në infografika. ...
Politics, 5 pages
2022 02 15
Leksioni xi. Intervista. I. HYRJE. Përgatitja para intervistës. Gjatë intervistës. Intervistat televizive. Kujtoni. Referenca.
Social Media, 6 pages
2022 02 15
Biotehnologija. Što je biotehnologija? Znanost koja na. Čemu služi? Biotehnologija pokušava povezati svoje primjene s medicinom. Vrste biotehnologije. Zelena biotehnologija Plava biotehnologija Siva biotehnologija Crvena biotehnologija ...
Biology, 11 pages
2022 02 14
Homelessness essay: Homelessness is on the rise in many countries, but emergency shelters, food and medical care for the homeless have been reduced What are the causes of homelessness today, and how can we best deal with it?
Homelessness is on the rise in many countries, but emergency shelters, food and medical care for the homeless have been reduced What are the causes of homelessness today, and how can we best deal with it?.
Education, 1 page
2022 02 06
Flood presentation
Flood. Types of flood. Causes. What Do I Do Before a Flood? What Do I Do During a Flood? What Do I Do After a Flood? Flooding Effects. The biggest flood - Johnstown Flood.
Geography, 10 pages
2022 02 06
The Wheel (Public Talk with phrases)
First I’m going to tell you a brief history of how the wheel was made, then I’ll describe the changes in society after the creation of the wheel, followed by the usage of wheels now. There’ll be some time for questions and answers once ...
Languages, 1 page
2022 02 06
Space Exploration project
Space exploration. Discoveries. Van allen radiation belt. Exoplanets. Moons/natural satellites in the solar system. Astronauts and facilities. Astronaut training (in general). Space agencies and their missions. Space equipment. Space stations. ...
Astronomy, 13 pages
2022 02 06
The advantages and disadvantages to have a robot as a teacher
The advantages and disadvantages to have a robot as a teacher.
Education, 1 page
2022 02 06
Presentation about pizza
Pizza. Pizza is a. The classic Italian pizza dough is made from special durum wheat flour. The thickness of the classic pizza dough is about 3-4 millimeters. Depending on the. Thanks for attention.
Food, 9 pages
2022 02 06
Motivation essay
Self-motivation – a key to success in life. We all have our own motivation sources that we rely on. The speaker in the video stated a well-planned sequence of actions that helps her stay determined. According to researches that she has made and ...
Self Improvement, 1 page
2022 02 06