All documents (190)

6900 documents
Brunei royal family
Brunei monarchy. Word bank. Heritage- paveldas Landscape - kraštovaizdis Foreign - užsienio Floorspace - gyvenamasis plotas Reigning – karaliauti Length - ilgis. History. Brunei is proud. The early history. Brunei now. Brunei is an. Sultan ...
Politics, 10 pages
2016 05 25
San Marino
San marino. Made by Milda Bylaitė. San Marino flag. Generl information. Size is just over 61 km2 Population is about. Geographical position. San Marino is. Nature. The republic has generally the same flora and fauna as northeastern Italy. ...
Geography, 11 pages
2016 05 25
Italian Spanish famous people
Made by Titas Česonis 7b. Italian Spanish famous people. Italian famous people. Monica Bellucci. Was born 30 September 1964. Is an Italian actress and fashion model. Carla Bruni. Was born 23 December 1967. Is an Italian-French singer-songwriter ...
Film & Television, 8 pages
2016 05 25
UK and Russia famous people
UK and Russia famous people. Questions. When did Regina Spektor started playing the piano. Russia. Oksana Grigorieva. Oksana Petrovna Grigorieva is a Russian singer-songwriter and pianist. Regina Spektor. Regina Spektor is a Soviet-born ...
Film & Television, 9 pages
2016 05 25
Festivals and special meals in my family
Festivals and special meals in my family. There are a lot of special celebrations my family celebrate. New Year. New year is. Christmas Eve. We celebrate Christmas Eve on December. Easter. There is no. Saint John Festival. Saint John festival is ...
Culture, 11 pages
2016 05 25
Gediminas tower
Gediminas' Tower. Gediminas’ Tower is the remaining part of the Upper Castle in Vilnius. The first fortifications. Legend. Long long. He explained that. Now there is a museum in the Gediminas Tower. It is possible. Thank you for your attention! ...
Travel, 10 pages
2016 05 25
An endangered animal
How much the Blue Whale weigh? To 150 tons. How fast they can swim? ~50kph. What do they eat? Crustaceans. How many years they live? To 80 years.What is the name of their enemy? Orca. How many decibels can reach their noise? 188. How many ...
Biology, 10 pages
2016 05 25
Recipies presentation
200 gram spaghetti 3 cloves garlic 1 chili pepper 6 cherry tomatoes 1 tbls. capers 1 can tuna Spices Olive oil Greenery.Whip the cream until it becomes rigid. In to the condensed milk mix espresso coffe. Slowly whipping cream, pour ...
Food, 9 pages
2016 05 25
The ways to protect our environment
Another sollution would be to lessen the number of cars, because gas that comes out of them really pollutes the environment. For example people could pick up their friends and drive in one car, or just take the bus or ride a bike. Because of the ...
Environment, 1 page
2016 05 25
The environmental problems
The environmental problems. The atmosphere. Air pollution every day the average person inhales about. Can be found both outdoors and indoors  pollutants can be trapped inside buildings. Air pollution - effects. Many different chemicals. Global ...
Environment, 19 pages
2016 05 25
Allergy symptoms
1. Pharyngitis – inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx; sore throat.3. Hyperkinesia - an abnormal amount of uncontrolled muscular action; spasm.8. Wheezing - to breathe with difficulty and with a whistling ...
Medicine, 8 pages
2016 05 25
The 5 Most Powerful Armies the world
The 5 Most Powerful Armies the world. The United States Army. 535,000 soldiers ten combat divisions “Big 5” weapons systems. Indian Army. 12 million. China Army. 6 million. Russian Ground Forces. 285,000 solders reduced from six to four ...
Military, 7 pages
2016 05 25
Reading books
Reading books is one of the best things in my life. It really helps to relax after school or just ignore your problems. Well, this diagram shows that in Japan majority of people read books. It shows that 20% of them read 5 or more books per ...
Literature, 1 page
2016 05 24
Essay on Late adulthood
Late adulthood is wonderful stage of life. It is freedom stage. So, there are 2 kinds of seniors .First group-who interestingly spend their time, for example, participating in events, concerts like it is shown in 1pic. And other group of seniors- ...
Relationships & Parenting, 1 page
2016 05 24
It is better to grow up in a family with lots of brothers and sisters
It is better to grow up in a family with lots of brothers and sisters.
Psichology, 1 page
2016 05 24
The airplanes are the most convenient means of travel
The airplanes are the most convenient means of travel.
Travel, 1 page
2016 05 24
Essay on being a professional sportsman
Advantages and disadvantages of being a professional sportsman.
Sports & Fitness, 1 page
2016 05 24
Švedija (Sweden)
Sweden. Where is Sweden located? About Sweden’s capital. Places to go in Sweden. 1. Vasamuseet (Vasa Museum). Vasamuseet (Vasa Museum). Gamla Stan (Old Town). Kungliga Slottet (Stockholm Palace). Göteborgs Konstmuseum. Tivoli Gröna Lund.
Geography, 10 pages
2016 05 24
Art, Literacy & Learning
Art, Literacy & Learning. By. What’s so great about art? ? ? Art promotes Hands-On Self-Directed Learning. Art engages Children’s Senses. In Open- Ended Play. Art Experience develops specific skills Cognitive Emotional Social Multi-Sensory. ...
Art, 20 pages
2016 05 24
Electric locomotive
Electric locomotives. Characteristics. History. Introduction of alternating current. Electric locomotive types. Direct and alternating current. Power transmission. Driving the wheels. Conclusion. Footnotes.
Transport, 16 pages
2016 05 24
Christmas presentation
Christmas. Christmas or Christmas Day (Old English Crīstesmæsse. Eastern Orthodox icon of the birth of Christ by St. Th century. Up to the. Santa Claus. Santa Claus, also known as Saint Nicholas. Traditions. Christmas Day is. Christmas ...
Religion & Spirituality, 12 pages
2016 05 24
Leonardo da Vinci
Firstly about him. Leonardo was born on 15 April 1452 in the Tuscan hill town of Vinci,which was in Italy. Little is known about his early life. He spent some years in this house in Anchiano with his mother and then he moved to live with his ...
Art, 1 page
2016 05 23
Distaffs. A distaff (also called a rock) is a tool used in spinning. Forms. In Western Europe, there were two common forms of distaffs. Spinning distaffs. A distaff can also be mounted as an attachment to a spinning wheel. The styles of ...
Culture, 9 pages
2016 05 23
Urbanization. Content. What is urbanization? What. Urbanization – the process by which cities grow or by which soceties become more urban. Causes of urbanization. Industrial Revolution Migration of. Who suffer from this problem? Emigrants. ...
Culture, 10 pages
2016 05 23
Traditional British sport Polo
A traditional British sport. Polo. Made by Dominykas Banevicius 2A. What is Polo? Where and by whom was it invented? 600 B. C. By the nomads Central Asia, Persia (now Iran). Popular in. England (especially Ireland) Australia Argentina India ...
Sports & Fitness, 15 pages
2016 05 23
Shopping and money
Speaking about the advantages of shopping online, on the one hand, e-shopping has a number of benefits. First, it is a great way of shopping. For example, it is very convenient and less time-consuming as you can do it without leaving your home. ...
Sales, 2 pages
2016 05 23
Complaint letter
I ordered black Sony Xperia Z4 tablet and Beats headphones. It arrived two days later than expected and as soon as I opened a box I noticed that the tablet was pink! To make matters worse, the charger was missing. Furthermore, I noticed that ...
Languages, 1 page
2016 05 23
All private transport such as cars and motorcycles should be banned in cities to help protect the environment Ese
All private transport such as cars and motorcycles should be banned in cities to help protect the environment Ese.
Transport, 1 page
2016 05 23
Kaunas Jazz
What is “Kaunas jazz”? „Kaunas Jazz“ – international jazz festival. Where and When? Vienybes square. Who started this? Founder Jonas Jučas. It’s not only music! There is also a “Kaunas Jazz” fashion show. Why to choose it? ...
Music, 10 pages
2016 05 23
Future fashion
Future fashion. Tech trends. Solar panels. Some companies already started. Air bangle. Personal air purifier worn on the wrist sucks up and filters polluted air. Made of holographic. Response to environment. Helmet with navigation. Has a ...
Fashion, 9 pages
2016 05 23