All documents (16)

6900 documents
Which has more positive impact on academic achievement at school: a student’s self-motivation or a motivating teacher?
Which has more positive impact on academic achievement at school a student’s self-motivation or a motivating teacher?
Education, 1 page
2022 04 08
What is more important for student to develop at school: cooperation or competition?
What is more important for student to develop at school cooperation or competition?
Education, 1 page
2022 04 08
The ways of improving study habits essay
Studying is an essential part of a student’s life. Nowadays, lots of people consider how to make learning more helpful to progress personalities. Sometimes studying could be really hard, because it sounds like a boring activity that takes up a ...
Education, 1 page
2022 04 08
Is multitasking a positive or negative thing?
Is multitasking a positive or negative thing?
Self Improvement, 1 page
2022 04 08
English home work: Population, languages
Answer the questions. The earth has a population of 828 236 000 million people. There are just over 000 spoken languages ​​ in the world. There are 400 language spoken in Europe. People speak about 800 languages in Papua New Guinea. Where do ...
Languages, 2 pages
2022 04 06
Requirements for the presentation
Requirements for the presentation. The linkers to be used in your speech. The key vocabulary to be used. Rewarding / fulfilling / entertaining / demanding / challenging yet exciting. Promising / rewarding / thriving. A truly rewarding future It ...
Data & Analytics, 3 pages
2022 04 06
Adventure holiday and City break essay
The opposite to Adventure holiday is City break! The first thing is that City break is way more cheaper than Adventure holiday this also makes City break easy to fit into your lifestyle and save up for your trip. A City break is a short trip ...
Recreation, 1 page
2022 04 06
Strategic marketing plan for a chosen company Western Union
Strategic marketing plan for a chosen company. Company description. Product description. Microenvironment - SWOT analysis for your chosen product. Manifesto. Pest analysis. Market roles (after KotlerCustomer/client/target group. Research – ...
Marketing, 16 pages
2022 04 06
Business information analysis
Definition of ethnography. Advantages of using ethnography. Disadvantages of using ethnography. The possible questions that could be asked are. Bibliography.
Business & Entrepreneurship, 14 pages
2022 04 06
Christmas and new year in Russia
Christmas and new year in russia. Christmas in Russia. Christmas traditions. Christmas - is. Christmas traditional food. Meat dishes. Christmas activities. Nowadays, every Russian family loves and celebrates this event. New Year traditions. At ...
Culture, 10 pages
2022 04 06
Pros and cons of online learning
The COVID-19 virus pandemic forced change everywhere, businesses had to be closed down, concerts were banned and it made staying at home necessary. And so students had to leave their desks at school and get used to learning without leaving their ...
Education, 1 page
2022 04 06
Friends have a big impact on teens
Friends have more influence than family on teenagersA question which plagues the mind of most adult citizens, whether teenagers value the opinion of their peers or the thoughts of their family more. Teenagers tend to depend on social interactions ...
Culture, 1 page
2022 04 06
Pepsi: history and facts
Growth in popularity. Facts. . ". World war i could have been the end of the company. Pepsi stayed afloat by offering more cola for less money. Thomas hawk , flickr // cc by nc. The brand gave sofia vergara her first acting job. Pepsi was the ...
Companies, 4 pages
2022 04 06
Finch review essay
It’s a post-apocalyptic barren on the other hand Tom actors amuses oneself a constitution titled Finch Weinberg who vocalizes “American Pie” and listens to commodore Como. Also, he has an worshipable canine and an captivating robot. each of ...
Art, 1 page
2022 04 06
Slides about Global environmental issues
Global environmental. Global warming. Global warming is. Pollution of the oceans. More than half of our planet (and to be more precise. Air pollution. The most obvious danger of atmospheric pollution is the lack of clean air. Soil pollution. Soil ...
Environment, 8 pages
2022 04 06
Spread of technology presentation
Spread of technology. How Globalisation drives the spread of technology? How did ideas and technology spread? What is the role of technology in globalization? Why is technology important in today's society? Can we live without technology? What ...
Technology, 9 pages
2022 04 05
Life skills slides
Life skills. Life skills are abilities. Positive attitude skills. Being calm and cheerful when things go wrong. Communication skills. Keep the conversation Similarity of mentality Friendliness. Teamwork skills. Leadership Motivation ...
Ethics, 10 pages
2022 04 05
Electronic gadgets essay
The best part for me is the communication features. In my opinion, this makes our lives so much easier. It's not just communication between friends. It is also communication of work members, banks, or with your hotel, where you want to go on ...
Internet, 1 page
2022 04 04
Dialogue about environmental campaign: planting trees

Dialogue about environmental campaign: planting ...

- I’m fine to. I heard that our school is organising an international environmental campaign. We are responsible for action of planting trees.- Yes, I also heard about that to. ...

2022 04 04
Representation and Cultural Globalization based on „Crazy Rich Asians“ movie
Perceptions of globalization. Representation and Cultural Globalization based on Crazy Rich Asians movie. Sources.
Culture, 3 pages
2022 04 04
Rail transport presentation
Rail Transport. It is a means of transport, on vehicles which run on tracks. Types of rail transport. Adaptations include passenger railways, underground (or over ground) urban metro railways and goods carriages. Most common goods carried by ...
Transport, 13 pages
2022 04 04
Nathan's hot dog eating contest
Nathan ‘s Hot Dog Eating Contest. The Nathan's Hot. Rules. The competitors stand. History. Nathan's Hot Dog. Records. Joey Chestnut is. Awards. The winner of. Thank you for your attention.
Food, 8 pages
2022 04 04
Burning Man Festival
Whacky Celebrations. «Burning Man». What’s the celebration name and origin? Burning Man is. When and where? Begins on the. What’s the celebration about? Is the celebrating. Who participes in it? All the people. What unusual activities are ...
Culture, 8 pages
2022 04 04
How it would be possible to show the world about an endangered environment?
How it would be possible to show the world about an endangered environment?
Environment, 1 page
2022 04 04
The concept of electromagnetic oscillations
The concept of electromagnetic oscillations. Elektromagnetinių virpesių samprata. Oscillation circuit. Oscillation circuit - an electrical circuit consisting of a capacitor and an inductor. Capacitor is charged. Kondensatorius įkraunamas qm ...
Physics, 8 pages
2022 04 03
The law of electromagnetic induction
The law of electromagnetic induction. Elektromagnetinės indukcijos dėsnis. Remember /Prisiminkime. Induced electric current. Indukuotosios srovės stipris. The law of electromagnetic induction. Elektromagnetinės indukcijos dėsnis. Induced emf ...
Physics, 7 pages
2022 04 03
Alternating electric current slides
Alternating electric current. Kintamoji elektros srovė. Remember what is direct current. Direct electric current (DCNuolatinė elektros srovė. Electric current of constant magnitude and polarity is direct electric current. Alternating electric ...
Physics, 7 pages
2022 04 03
Electric energy generation and transmission
Electric energy generation and transmission. Elektros energijos gamyba ir perdavimas. Can you remember? Introduction /Įvadas. Transformer /Transformatorius. How does a transformer work? Transformer /Transformatorius. Generation of electric ...
Physics, 14 pages
2022 04 03
Electromagnetic induction slides
Electromagnetic induction. Elektromagnetinė indukcija. Describe what is electromagnetic induction. Remember/Prisiminkime. What creates magnetic. How is magnetic field represented in drawings / diagrams. Remember /Prisiminkime. The right hand. ...
Physics, 11 pages
2022 04 03
Light diffraction slides
Let‘s remember. Light diffraction. Šviesos difrakcija. Mechanical wave diffraction. Light wave diffraction. Grimaldi experiments. Diffraction grating. Interference maximum and minimum conditions. Diffraction grating. Diffraction grating. ...
Physics, 20 pages
2022 04 03