All documents (15)

3544 documents
Leksioni xi. Intervista. I. HYRJE. Përgatitja para intervistës. Gjatë intervistës. Intervistat televizive. Kujtoni. Referenca.
Social Media, 6 pages
2022 02 15
Homelessness essay: Homelessness is on the rise in many countries, but emergency shelters, food and medical care for the homeless have been reduced What are the causes of homelessness today, and how can we best deal with it?
Homelessness is on the rise in many countries, but emergency shelters, food and medical care for the homeless have been reduced What are the causes of homelessness today, and how can we best deal with it?.
Education, 1 page
2022 02 06
The Wheel (Public Talk with phrases)
First I’m going to tell you a brief history of how the wheel was made, then I’ll describe the changes in society after the creation of the wheel, followed by the usage of wheels now. There’ll be some time for questions and answers once ...
Languages, 1 page
2022 02 06
The advantages and disadvantages to have a robot as a teacher
The advantages and disadvantages to have a robot as a teacher.
Education, 1 page
2022 02 06
Motivation essay
Self-motivation – a key to success in life. We all have our own motivation sources that we rely on. The speaker in the video stated a well-planned sequence of actions that helps her stay determined. According to researches that she has made and ...
Self Improvement, 1 page
2022 02 06
Human connection inspires
Everybody would agree that, teachers play a big role in our lives, which results in us building a connection with each other. They put in effort to give us as much knowledge as possible for our future benefit. Teachers help us build our ...
Psichology, 1 page
2022 02 06
Individual talk about mobile phones
Mobile phones these days take a lot of time in our lives. Nowadays we even use phones as a wallet for making payments, we answer calls, writing back messages. But mobile phones make our life very easy and convenient.To answer the first ...
Mobile, 1 page
2022 02 06
The Advantages and Disadvantages of using the Internet
The Advantages and Disadvantages of using the Internet.
Internet, 1 page
2022 02 06
Book review „Alice in Wonderland“
The book “Alice in Wonderland” was published by Lewis Carroll in 1865 years in England. The main heroine of this tale is the girl Alice . The little girl Alice once saw a talking rabbit and decided to run after him, but on the way she did not ...
Literature, 1 page
2022 02 06
Household duties for children
It was a survey of parents arranged to the topic “Household duties for children”. And today I want to talk about responsibilities of children at home. According to this chart the majority it is 91 respondents answered that their children ...
Lifestyle, 1 page
2022 02 06
The advantages and disadvantages of learning from home
The advantages and disadvantages of learning from home.
Education, 1 page
2022 02 06
Traffic congestion is common problem in large cities. How can we solve this?
Traffic congestion is common problem in large cities How can we solve this?
Transport, 1 page
2022 02 06
When making an important decision is it better to do it on your own or talk to someone?
When making an important decision is it better to do it on your own or talk to someone?
Psichology, 2 pages
2022 02 06
Does writing by hand still matter in the digital age?
Does writing by hand still matter in the digital age?.
Lifestyle, 1 page
2022 02 04
Jānis Čakste essay
1918.gadā J.Čakste tiek ievēlēts par Tautas Padomes Prezidija priekšsēdētāju, organizē Latvijas diplomātisko korpusu, Parīzes Miera konferencē vada Latvijas delegāciju, kas pieprasa atzīt Latvijas neatkarību.1919.gada atgriežas ...
History, 2 pages
2022 02 03
Stāstījums par deportēto dzīvi sibīrijā.
Stāstījums par deportēto dzīvi sibīrijā.
History, 1 page
2022 02 03
Исследовать действие слюны на крахмал в разных условиях
Задачи лабораторной работы. Принадлежности к работе. Ход работы. Результаты Эксперимента. Выводы о проделаной Работе.
Biology, 2 pages
2022 02 03
Neitralizācijas reakcijas
Neitralizācijas reakcijas. Uzdevums. Nosauciet dotās vielas.Uzdevums.Uzrakstiet sāļu formulas!. Uzdevums. Pabeidziet reakciju vienādojumus!
Chemistry, 1 page
2022 02 03
Charity essay: Make a difference
To begin with, there are lots of charities that are hosting fundraising events. Such as sponsored walks and marathons. Taking part in such events will aid poor people and raise money for the charity. Moreover, donating to small charities to help ...
Sociology, 1 page
2022 01 30
Poor service complain letter example
I am writing to complain about the poor service you provided me with your gym, which I enrolled a month ago. I wanted to express my strong dissatisfaction with the facilities. As if that were not enough, opening times in the brochure disagree ...
Services, 1 page
2022 01 29
Essay on Friendship
I really like sport, nature and art, but those things don't matter on my decision to choose friends. But if I really must to choose personality of »people who I like« and »people who I don't like«, then I choose like this. I like people who ...
People, 2 pages
2022 01 25
English task on Emigration topic
Emigration. Reasons. Problems. Vocabulary. Word formation/vocabulary.
Languages, 2 pages
2022 01 25
Culture shock: immigrants feelings and adaptation stages
INTRODUCTION (useful for the toaster video and to speak about how immigrants feel in generalMainstream/dominant culture vs. Minority culture(sAs an immigrant one may feel. Stages of culture shock/reading. Honeymoon/tourist stage. SHOCK. ...
Culture, 1 page
2022 01 25
Facial Expresions
The Two Types of Facial Expressions. Why are facial expressions useful. Measuring Facial Movement and Expressions – Facial Action Coding System. How to Read Facial Expressions. Body Language in Negotiation How Facial Expressions Impact a ...
Psichology, 5 pages
2022 01 25
Dream job essay
My dream Job is mechanic. I wonder how they work; how the motors and gears work; what essential parts are required to build a car; are there any new ways to develop this field as a big profession...This career may be a challenge, because there ...
Career, 1 page
2022 01 25
Terminally ill patient informing about disease and their prognosis
In the Asian culture, there is often a belief that terminally ill patients should not be informed about . Would you respect the cultural practice and not inform a patient about the prognosis? Is there a way for health care providers to balance ...
Medicine, 4 pages
2021 12 13
Phraseological units and idioms Combinability and collocability
The lexical combinability. To the statistically significant characteristic co occurrence patterns of words , which typically co occur in corpus data. The grammatical combinability. The relations of objects and phenomena in real world. Completely ...
Literature, 11 pages
2021 12 13
Measurement of the speed of transverse waves propagation through a string
Measurement of the speed of transverse waves propagation through a string.
Physics, 4 pages
2021 12 10
Claim / Adjustment assignment example letter
There was a mix-up on the gifts our company gave to our customers. I ordered five-kilo cheese packages from your company, but we received good reviews from customers on three-kilo packages, not five.Based on feedback I got from my ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 3 pages
2021 12 08
Tips and tricks about MSWORD Document
Insert cross reference. Insert hyperlink. Insert text box. Insert word art. Insert date and time. Insert charts. Insert smart art. Perform proofing task. Show navigation pane. Show ruler. Add macros in file.
Information technology, 3 pages
2021 12 04