Advertising Idioms - Slogans

Advertising Idioms/slogans. Classical in its modern”. Meaning if the costumers likes something that have an classic style for their furniture, they have to. Meaning the word “love” is identical with a loyalist. If somebody loves someone or something, they will do anything for that person. ‘’Chili’s restaurant ’’ We are the expert”. Love your feet”. A negative connotation indicating that bad things tend to flood into your life at once Historically, on rainy days (or in generally humid climates), Morton Salt company. Good Old Days Goodness.
Meaning: The word ‘smart’ has a meaning like ‘clever’ or ‘intelligent’. It means that the people choosing property in Jakarta residence are lucky or a brilliant men, because a clever men are able to know where the suitable places for their living. The costumers choosing Jakarta residences automatically can be called as a smart and brilliant person. They choose something without doubtful and surely. And the writer thinks this slogan also gives some guarantee to the costumers about the quality of the residences.
Meaning: Today, communication is very important for people living. It’s an important tool for the society in making a relationship with other. That kind of philosopher is used by ‘Nokia’ as an advertisement that serves a product in communication. Nokia makes a slogan that shows their capability in connecting all the people in this world. Every one can connect each other without a problem if you use ‘Nokia’ as your tools.
Meaning: That statement looks like a command statement, because the producer gives some alert to the buyer to buy buns more than one. If the consumer only buy one bun they will feel regret and will ask more for it, the consumers will realize that they will not feel satisfied to eat those buns until you die. Oo...h it’s terrible...
Meaning: a word ‘professional’ is identical with a person that honorable, smart, rich and discipline. This view can be seen here. It means that the property developer develops an area that is special for ‘professional’ only. If the costumers are not a professional one but they live in that city, automatically their prestige is more honorable than the other.
Meaning: if the travelers want to take a transportation identical with their style; such as fashionable and stylist, it is better for them to choose ‘Adam Air’, because one of their mottos is to make the traveler stylish and fashionable in the air.
Meaning: A balance life in this world is symbolized in this slogan. The producer tells the consumers that a healthy comes from skin and health care. If they care about their skin and their health, they will have a balance in their life. So that, in murad product the consumers can find everything to make the balance of healthy.
Meaning: actually this slogan is easy to understand. This restaurant explains about their product in slogan. The consumers will know what kind of restaurant is ‘Pronto’. Pronto is an Italian restaurant that gives the authority to the costumers to order by themselves. That is the aim that the producer wants to tell the costumer through their slogan.
- Marketing Home works
- Microsoft Word 3051 KB
- 2019 m.
- English
- 14 pages (3332 words)
- University
- Seyfettin