8 Reasons Why Students Drop-out Of Higher Education

8 reasons why students drop-out of higher education.
In the article “8 Reasons People Drop Out Of Higher Education” by Isabel Sagenmüller, the author explains that despite the type of educational institution, there are a few popular causes that force students to dropout of their studies. These can be personal issues or a mixture of them. If these issues are not resolved or addressed properly by the institutions management, it can lead to compelling loss in student retention.
One of the first and very common problem is financial issues. They can occur to anyone and at any given time, but I’d like to not that it only applies to students who have to pay for their education. Another big issue is when students are not sure about their major. Often times students are pressured by their parents to get into a particular subject or major. Most of the time, when it is not the students choice, it leads to abandoning the course and there are quite a few reasons for that. To cover the reasons in depth, it would be only appropriate to start with the most common problem that leads to dropping out of educational institutions - financial issues.
Financial issues is a problem that many human beings are affected by, some address it, some neglect it and others just don’t really pay attention to it, as long as they are surviving.